Wedding customs in aceh, what's unique? Let's see

in #life7 years ago

Wedding customs in aceh, what's unique? Let's see# header
As in other areas in Indonesia that have many stages before a person is actually officially become a husband and wife then in Aceh was also the case. Before the official bride to husband and wife must first go through some fairly long custom procession. What are the custom procession. The procession of traditional wedding in Aceh is divided into several stages which all must be passed by the bride. Here are the stages of Acehnese traditional marriage ..

  1. Apply Phase (Ba Ranup)
    Ba Ranup or the stage of applying itself in Aceh is set with a fairly long custom ie first if a man who is considered mature enough already time to marry then to find a mate for the man or if a man has his own choice of a woman to Being his wife then the first thing to do is to send relatives who are elderly and considered capable of speaking (called theulangke) to meet the family of the woman to ask the status of the woman whether the person has or not. If it turns out there is no one who has and no ties whatsoever with other people then theulangke expressed his proposal.
    On the appointed day both parties then the male family sends some elderly to come to the woman's parent's house to officially apply with betel and its contents as a symbol of strengthening the bond and sincerity. After the application is completed and the entourage of applicants have come home then then the family is proposed that the family of the woman deliberate with her daughter about whether or not received the application.
  2. Stage Engagement (Jakba Mark)
    If then the application is accepted by the women then the next procession is the family of the men will come back to the woman's parents to talk about her marriage day (called peukeong haba) as well as to determine how much dowry desired by the prospective bride (called Jeunamee) and how many guests will be invited to the reception.
    At the same event after all the deliberations about the size of the dowry, the wedding day and the number of guests who will be invited by the families of the two prospective brides to reach an agreement, then proceed with the next event is the engagement event or called Jakba Tanda. In this event the prospective groom will deliver a variety of foods typical of Aceh and also other items, including buleukat kuneeng with tumphou, various fruits, a set of women's clothing and jewelry tailored to the ability of male families.
    But because there are times when both parties have reached the stage of the marriage engagement was canceled due to various things then the 'rules of play' in this engagement if it turns out in the end both sides failed bersanding in pelaminan then the golden mark that has been given it if that causes the marriage Not married) is a groom's candidate then the golden sign will be considered charred but if it turns out the cause is a prospective bride then the gold mark should be replaced by two-fold.
  3. Party Guarantee
    After all the stages can be passed then only the core event was held ie the wedding party itself. Two other processions in the marriage customs of the people of Aceh are also not less important is the new tueng dara which means the traditional picking done by the bridegroom to the bride and tueng linto baroe meaning otherwise. After the bridegroom performed the marriage ceremony before the pack of kadi and has officially become a married couple, the party was held to give opportunity to all invited guests who wish to congratulate the two me