Is this relativity?? Or just a Fantasy!?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In 2017, we are a world consumed by social media, networking, news, fake news and biased opinions jammed down your throat if you like it or not. Fact is, if you own a mobile phone with access to the internet in 2017 you are being lied to... Right in front of your eyes without a conscious choice in being able to decipher reality from fantasy.

People (grown adults) are out chasing invisible Pokemon for hours on end and coming home to tell their partners all about the new critter they caught or the rare one that got away.
Augmented reality is something being used more and more for everyday life, it really seems only a matter or time before the line between reality and not is scarily blurred. Perhaps that time is already upon us??

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In order to work out what is real and what is not, we need all the information at hand.
To cipher through the absolute bullshit we are fed day in day day out.. we need to get back to basics.
I recall a teacher in my younger years whom i really looked up to (was scared shitless of as well) really drummed something called the KISS method into our heads as aspiring adults.
He was a respectful man always calling the students by their last name and assigning them a title, for example "Good morning Mr. Smith... How are we on this lovely morning?" Looking down his sun damaged nose over his spectacles with a serious manner in his tone every time without fail. It was rare to see Mr. Wallis smile and laugh but when he did everyone else did with him.
I was fortunate enough to learn a lot about critical thinking and logic from this man before he sadly passed a year before my graduation.
There was an Award created in the honour of his memory, I was the first person to receive this award ever.
Needless to say this was a huge part of growing up intuitively and intellectually.
I somehow knew in a way I had won it weeks before it was announced. I've always been weird like that...
He always kept me forcing answers from logically preposterous situations and saying "Mr.Smith are you sure?? IF your gut is burning change the answer!...always trust your instincts". Even if he knew the answer you had chosen was correct he would really force you to listen yourself.
Constantly stressing that we have to make mistakes, if we don't we aren't trying hard enough!!...You can not learn if you do not EXPERIMENT!!
The KISS method is basic. Keep It Simple Stupid.
In my more recent years it's fair to say I've fallen for my fair share of bullshit and in my recent months of waking up to a lot, I have come to see how many things we are told, just are not so and if we get back to basics, critical/logical thinking, things can clear up a lot.

Relativity and gravity. Both very clever theories concocted by very clever men. But there's something the both of them lack....Simplicity.
Both ideas rely on understanding the impossible to the average sound minded human.
It is said that a mere 12 people worldwide would be able to understand Einstein's attempt at explaining relativity and yet we base gravity and relativity as the foundations of modern day science and astrology .. and how we basically explain everything.
Relativity relies on one hard to believe idea after another to make the next far cry work. It's a mind bending circle back to the start basically.
All of these things working relative somehow fit together even if not understood to create the flying blue spinning marble heliocentric ball.

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Truths are simple lies are complex... I didn't complete year 11 in high school but I feel these theories starts to fall apart when apparent space time doesn't bend back straight or the helium balloon rises to meet its level of density, no gravity required. If you can see these things thinking logically and not just believe everything you've been taught is correct by a teacher.. It becomes clear that a lot of things don't add up.
We can measure electromagnetic fields rather easily and we know they exist as we can do practical experiments to prove it over and over again. The only people who seem to have instruments to measure gravitational pull seem to be NASA.
The Michelson Morely test and Aeries failure are just two tests proving the earth to be motionless whilst they were trying to find how fast it moved.
These men were accredited as the most intelligent of their time.
We know that the natural physics of water are to always find its level and it has to be contained...yet we're told we live on a sphere spinning faster than the speed of sound.
If were using logic and know that gravity is nothing more than the re-branding of density/buoyancy/magnetism... AND WE'RE USING LOGIC!! Water CAN NOT conform to the exterior of ANY shape!!! Its pseudoscience crap fed to you to make you believe your an unimportant piece of stardust, a random accident. This is not the case. You have meaning... You have purpose. This life is yours not your governments... Reclaim your mind and think logically about what you are told is REALITY....QUESTION EVERYTHING!!

I'll leave you a little know quote from Einstein himself...

"The observer is located on the surface of an earth which is rotating on its axis, and at the same time travelling through space at many thousands of miles an hour, consequently his place, or locality, is con­tinually changing with respect to an imaginary point fixed in space. Notwithstanding this change of place, electro-magnetic laws appear to act precisely as they would if this place was not changing its position with respect to that point." - Albert Einstein
There you have it, after much obfuscation, from the master himself: it appears to act precisely as if there was no motion to the Earth whatsoever. "reddit writer"


The main reason we are able to even talk about any of this today is most likely to be attributed to Nikola Tesla who held over 900 patents for inventions mainly in the field of electricity the time of his death....Einstein zero.