One simple solution

in #life8 years ago


Earlier when my wife and I wanted to meet with friends and go to the picnic, we had one problem - my son was bored to be there. And I had to choose - not to go on a picnic or to persuade a child, knowing that he will still be bored. But the solution was found :) My son is a fan of a series of games "Stalker". So, I just started to take airsoft gun to picnics. Now everyone is happy!

I, my son and my charm ... oh yeah, and my wife on the background :)

Happy son - very quiet picnic :)

I wish you always find a common language with your kids!

Sincerely, TerryCraft.


Try that in Germany and you have SWAT-forces racing against school psychologist to get you.
And you'd want the SWAT to get you first.

Wow good solution. Id say for safety make those airsoft guns look blatantly fake...I'd hate to hear another story of cop shooting kid with fake gun. Or anybody for that matter.

The child was forced by a gun to picnic?! can find only in russia

For Mother Russia :)