Why not kiss your dog

in #life7 years ago

Dogs can pose a serious risk to human health. This is the conclusion reached by some British veterinarians in a recent study, who have compiled a list of deadly diseases that dogs can transmit to people ...

According to a recent study, our loyal friends can pose a risk to our health. British veterinarians, as reported by "Daily Mail", have compiled a list of deadly diseases that dogs can broadcast to their masters.

But there are those scholars who insist on reiterating that the benefits that dogs bring to our lives are greater than the potential dangers ... Which side will weigh the scales ?!


If dogs come into contact with an infected cow, or rather if they eat from their flesh, they get tuberculosis bacteria and potentially lethal lung disease transmit them directly to their owner.

The dangers are small but real. In 2013, a child from Gloucestershire, took tuberculosis from his dog.


It is assumed that about two-thirds of public parks are filled with askarids, parasites that reproduce in the stomach and in the gut, and that the dogs grow up to 14 cm. Eggs explode after the outbreak of dogs and they can stay on the ground for months.

People involved in park maintenance should necessarily use gloves, while people who visit them should be cautious at the moment, for example, when the food falls to the ground or touches everything in nature.

Conveyors or mires

Tanners or straps (worms) are undoubtedly disgusting. Some of them can reach a few feet in length and live in intestines for up to 20 years. Meanwhile, others are harmless, but a species potentially deadly for eco-killing has recently become very popular in Wales.

When dogs eat infected meat, with their eggs, as they grow in their body, come up with other eggs through the feathers they make. Dogs can spread these eggs to humans only through head-to-head contact. Infection from mothers to humans can be manifested by localized lichen in the liver, brain and lung areas. Your dog needs to go out very often because this is the only way to fight this parasite.

Serious food poisoning

Dogs, fortunately, do not use their tongue to be cleaned, but the turret is pushed in every place with the winds they feel in the streets. Also included are dead mice, doves or any other animal or bird.

Consequently, dogs can become a "nursery" of bad bacteria such as campylobacter or salmonella, which contaminate food and can be deadly for children and the elderly.

Insects that attack the intestines

Some dogs want a lot to dive through the canals and puddles. But what many do not know is that in dirty water is likely to have crypto, the parasites that causes Cryptosporidiosis, the disease that affects the intestines.

Outside the body, the parasite is under the form of a microcapsule long as five milliseconds of millimeter, but in the interior of the body causes itching, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. Infected dogs, this kind of parasite can transmit it to man, through skin and tongue.


If you scratch the whole body and your dog is scabies, then you too may be affected by this kind of parasite, which tends to get into your skin and drop eggs there.

The parasites caused by this type of pathology that infect animals are different from those that infect people, but which, however, cause annoyance for different days if they come into contact with the skin.

Infections caused by rats

Leptospirosis, also known as mouse fever, is caused by drinking water contaminated with feces of these animals. As soon as a dog is infected, its urine infects every place that it does, endangering human beings. In the latter, nine in ten cases causes symptoms similar to the flu, headache, and entire body pain.

Approximately 10% of cases may have developments that endanger human life, causing internal bleeding and organ collapse. The only way to prevent it is through the vaccine, which makes the dogs immune to the disease.


Tinea is a skin infection caused by a fungus. It is common in cats, but dogs can also appear in the form of rings on the skin. It is a contagious disease that can easily be obtained by pet dog.

Children are the ones most affected by this disease. But anyway it can be cured through special creams without any special consequences.

Can you just say that, only bad news for dogs?

It may seem that dogs are an "epidemic driving center", but most of the disease can