Believe the first matrix moment.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I remember when I had my first matrix moment. I was 12. As a young gymnast, I always pushed my limits to discover what my body was capable of doing physically. From flips and fly aways to split leaps and back handsprings, I was in constant motion throughout my entire childhood. So, on a rainy Sunday, bored with nothing to do, it was a natural instinct for me to find the next object inside our house on which to experiment. As I headed up the stairs to my room on the second floor, taking two at a time as per usual, I paused mid-flight to look back towards the bottom. I had an idea. I was already ten steps up...there were 18 total. I felt the urge to jump and almost did but feelings of doubt crept in, and I had a flash of seeing myself falling and breaking my arm. By that point in my competitive gymnastics career, I was trained that in order to complete a successful routine, I needed to picture myself doing it perfectly first. Believing I could do it was key.

Back to the stairs...I took a few steps down until I was only four steps up from the bottom. I knew I could jump easily and had before. I jumped and landed effortlessly. I climbed to the fifth step and without hesitation jumped down with ease. I continued up the stairs this way incrementally, each time visualizing a successful jump and achieving it. Before I knew it, I was back on the 10th step and now knew I could do it. After all, it was only one step up from the ninth which I had just completed. I jumped, feeling the air beneath my feet as I walked my legs through weightless matter. Time felt much slower as I effortlessly landed.

Now that I knew the mindset necessary to continue and confident that I could actually walk on air, I continued up until I was at the top - a full story up from the floor. Without hesitation, I made the leap, my legs once again carrying me through the air defying gravity as I visualized myself running like an olympic long jumper. I landed at the bottom as lightly as I could and turned to look back up the stairs, marveling at the moment. I believed I could and I did...I took an impossible leap and landed on both feet! That moment made believe that anything is possible if my mind believes it to be.

The lesson? Change your thoughts, break through the matrix and live the life of your dreams!

While the picture above is stock photography from, the story is real!