College life: beginner to become entrepreneur!

in #life7 years ago

But we never try to see how our ideas can be shaped in reality. Many small ideas can start with our small business path which can become bigger than our dreams! So try to highlight today that some great tips that will help you become an entrepreneur in your student life.
Get started with your work to be successful:
"Find something you love to do so much, you can not wait for it all over again." - Chris Gardner

When you work closely with your attention, that work becomes extraordinary. Because when you concentrate on your favorite work, it increases your inner potential many times.

So there must be trust and confidence in yourself. Find out what you want to do manually. Selecting the kind of work that you have to choose, strategy. Then, with diligence and devotion, you have to go ahead with the work you love.

Not waiting for the opportunity:
"Do not wait for the opportunity, make it." - Debasish Mridha

It is absurd to wait for the opportunity. Eligibility to create opportunities. Tell me a story today Almost 40 years ago, three or four people started a minor activity in a small factory in America. But at the same time, they did not even know how practical their work could be.

Today, after nearly 40 years, the company of these three four people now employs about 93,000 people. The annual sale price of Bangladeshi money is approximately 1, 60, 000 crore, which means that the amount of 200 billion dollars. Now tell me what can be done with so many money? With this amount of money can be made about 67 Padma bridge possible in our country

Maybe many of you have already understood that I'm talking about a company, yes, I'm talking about 'Apple Incorporation'.

Today, the only reason to tell you this story is that if some people were frightened, they would not have become such a big place in the world today, without worrying about their work, fearing their work, about 40 years ago, and not everyone was so familiar.

From this story we can learn a lesson, not only will I have to sit with ideas but try to transform it into reality and it may start as a student.

Learning from the Serad:
In our midst all of us do regret: "Esse, if I had it," "If I had a big brother like him", or "He taught his business to his father-uncle!" "I have no one to teach, What will happen to me! "Many more disappointments in our lives But have we ever thought that we have a valuable thing with which we can come out of this problem?
This valuable thing is "books". We can get many experiences by reading life-based books of all those who have achieved success in the world and who we know to be successful.

Apart from using technology, we can get answers to most of our questions. Through Google, Facebook, YouTube, we can get many extraordinary ideas that can be used to become an entrepreneur in our real life. So it's time to get out of these words "I have no one", "what will happen to me" And we have to find out our solution to our problems.
Use your experience:
In the books we read a lot, but the picture seen on the field is quite different. Everything is not recorded in the book. So to do something in real life, it can be done only when your brain is trained.

If someone buys a brain, it will become unrivaled. Whether it is a job market or a business case. So there must be the courage to think and innovate differently from the student life. And the courage to invent the unforeseen things and discover the impossible things should be forwarded far beyond.

Patience and Integrity When Key to Success:
"If you take shortcuts, you get cut short." - Gary Busey

We are very happy in the short-cut or very easy way of studying in the student's life. This is our biggest mistake. At present, we also see many types of advertisements in the neighborhood - say fluent English in a week or become a 5-day graphics designer. Besides, the book is given the shortcut Success. We should keep it in mind that nothing will happen overnight.
There is a trend among us that we do not want to go to the main street, everyone likes to go through shortcut. But the most important thing in our lives is patience, because patience has strengthened our foundation. Today, who are known to us as a successful entrepreneur in the world, we can look at them behind their patience and see their patience and honesty as their head's crown.

Networking and reliable team can lead to your success stairs:
You have to work a bit to create a right team in the path to achieving your goals. No person is complete with everything, so your team can become a big part of fulfilling your dreams.

Now a lot of people can question how to build the team! There is no place to live, no money in pocket, how do the team? Actually the thing is a lot easier. Your school member may become a member of your school or college friends.

Then why are you waiting? Take your friends away with a skilled team that will make you more full. Many of you already know how important is networking in our lives.

Warren Buffett's value is as valuable as money

Do not want to be employed or entrepreneur! Networking is required. Try to build on the sector you are interested in to work in. Your network Through which the hanging of your experience will increase in many places.

"Dream without networking goes to drain"

"What will people say?"
On the way to life, there are many people around us that all activities will be taken in a negative direction in some way. And when we think of "what the people think," they themselves fall far behind from their dreams and give up. But we never thought that the rules, ideas and ideas in our society are made by humans like us.

"Everything around you that you call life, had been smarter than you." - Steve Jobs

So if you do things for fulfilling your dreams and do not think about who will say no, then there is no one to keep your success in check. If you go ahead with confidence, do whatever you say, do your work, but one day you will catch in your hand the success. And those who laugh at you and mock you will be surprised at your success.
Trying to apply every time:
How many times have I read the stories of time; But they only know the way to the test pass. Warren Buffett tells us how much of the real time life is in use.

Warren Buffett's value is as valuable as money. His success is the right use of time. According to Warren Buffett, in the hands of everyone, in 24 hours, it will be able to make the right use one step forward. So time should be very careful if you want to be an entrepreneur

Why then? Use these tips quickly and become a successful entrepreneur in student life. And thanks to the patience of the people who read these tips so much. Because this patience will come in the way of success.