Tips on Decluttering that have Improved my Life

in #life6 years ago



  • Save time. - You will know where everything is!! Your home will stay cleaner.
  • Save money $$$. - You will know where things are so you won't buy duplicates. You will have less desire for "stuff."
  • Be happier, less stressed, more creative.

How to declutter with *** The "3 container" method ***
Each container is for one of the following:
1. Put away (somewhere else)
2. Trash/Recycle
3. Donate/Sell
(4.) I'm panicking and I need 24 hours to decide if I want this. (optional)

  • Choose a space that you want to declutter:
    *Start small (if you need to): You don't have to do a whole room, whole closet, or whole anything. You can start with just your nail polish or lip products or just one kitchen drawer. I threw away over 30 nail polishes and I still have over 20. Now, they make me happy, I know what I have, and what I have is good quality.
    *I started with the spaces that are closed first. For example, closets, cabinets, and bookshelves. This gave me more storage and it was easier to part with things that I don't see or touch often.
  • Take everything out of the space you chose and ask yourself: Do I love it? Have I used it recently? Do I need it? Is it expired? Do I know when I bought it and why? Did I even know I owned this?
  • Put the items in the appropriate box or to the side if you're keeping it. Before you start putting things back clean out where you had them. Put the items back in their nice clean home one at a time so you can give yourself another chance to decide if it deserves to live with you.
  • Immediately you will begin reaping benefits. Repeat this process diligently and you will experience a life change.

Advice for overcoming mental obstacles
My obstacles were my guilt of wasting things and, my mindset of "I may need this."

Two pieces of advice got me through this and really helped me make a huge impact on my house.

  • "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris.

  • "Do want to live in a storage container or a functioning oasis?" - My sister

My home and myself are far from a perfect but through small changes we can effect big change.
I hope this helps motivate you to take action to make your life what you deserve.