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RE: Today I helped a homeless man

in #life7 years ago

So good of you to give to him and then going back and talking to him and getting his story and these shots

Sadly there are those like him that get into a Homeless state due to issues out of their control and they need help, but sadly there are others especially in big cities who are panhandling to raise money for their bad habits, along 42nd street I see many of those, their is one guy who hads had a job starting on monday and just needing $47 for boots, has had the exact same sign and moves up and down 42nd for 6 months

another couple where the lady has been pregnant for close to two years now\it people like that that make people wary and not help those who really need help


Yeah I know and I can normally spot the scammers. But if it one gets by me, it is on their Karma not mine.

Exactly I also have some that I help out from time to time with a bit here and there, I remember one when I lived in queens a similar story to this guy who slept in the subway, about once a week would see him and pick up a pizza and sit with him and share the pizza and talk, in the end this is one of my favorite personal moments, one day he had been to a meeting with social services or something so was cleaned up when I saw him so I took him to the local pizza place and we grabbed pizza and ate there, the owner of the Little pizza place came and sat with us and they got chatting, I had to leave but was pleasantly surprised when I walked past the pizza place and the guy was working there when I eft the area I swapped emails with him and we still keep in touch and his life has turned around :)

A little kindness can change someone's life.

yes I have always been a great believer in that