Is an online relationship? It is worth checking a few tips

in #life9 years ago

The internet has become practically indispensable at home and at work. No wonder that the online relationship today is a frequent reality. Websites, applications and social networks to get the interaction abound.

A 2013 survey of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, for example, pointed out that of the 19,131 Americans who went up to the altar between 2005 and 2012, more than a third had begun their relationship on the internet. However, not all stories end in marriage.

There's nothing wrong to fall in love on the internet, but it careful.

How to avoid problems in the online relationship

Chances are you know someone who already has fallen in love over the internet. Although sometimes the couple live near and be easy to arrange a meeting, this is not always the reality and the virtual conversation can extend over months.

Whatever the case, it is important to take some precautions. For more sincere and loving the person on the other side of the screen may seem, remember that it is important to always be alert. Check out the tips.

Let your intentions clear

A survey conducted in 2014 by the universities of Stanford and Michigan, the United States, interviewed more than four thousand people and pointed out that online relationships take longer to develop, mainly because of the logistics involved.

But scientists point out that what makes the difference is to make clear their intentions and be attentive to what your partner shows. After all, honesty is still the best choice - even on the internet.

Your partner is a foreigner?

Social networking is a reality for many people and many of them are involved with foreigners. But several reports of women who have become victims of their partners abroad.

Keep in mind that you must have at least one common language with your partner, do not put all your expectations in this relationship and be alert to any suspicious sign.

The convenience of home typing

The convenience of being at home and talk to someone on the computer or cell phone can spread the false feeling that you are safe. Beware what you share on social networks. Do not post e-mail, telephone and address application or networking sites to prevent unknown - and even criminals - reaching you.

Prefer public places

The big day arrived. You will know your virtual partner. Be wary if they prefer more intimate places. Always prefer public spaces and movement of people, like malls. Communicate friends or family about the meeting and do not take him to his house to know him well.

He asked for money? Distrust

Many cases have gained prominence in the media. Be wary if your partner ask for money or your bank details. Remember that there are malicious people on the Internet and is not always easy to spot.

The internet can destroy relationships?

A 2014 study from the University Missouri, US, says that social networks can destroy a relationship. The research focused on Twitter and interviewed 581 network users.

The survey found that the more people accessed and were active in the social network, the more fights were frequent in love relationships. Although the study is directed to the internet, we also question how we conduct our relations today.

Are we playing abusive relationships? We are respecting the individuality of each other? Maybe the problem is not the Internet or social networks, but in the way the tools are used. It is worth reflecting.