in #life7 years ago (edited)

1 . Titan ![]
Titan is the largest Moon of Saturn. it is the only known moon so far that has an atmosphere, and the only object other than our planet that has clear evidence of a liquid that has being found on a body out side of planet Earth.

2 . Ganymede
Ganymede has an substantial atmosphere that means it is a lot harder for an asteroid to hit the moon, and it size is 8% larger than Mercury Ganymede is composed of approximately amounts of silicate rock and water ice it may hold the potential of more water than the Earths ocean under it crust under it's cold and icy surface.

3 . Enceladus

Enceladus is the sixth largest moon of Saturn, and it is only tenth of that of Saturn's largest moon that could be covered with clean icy cold water, In august 2005 multiple spacecrafts like the Cassini probe done a couple close fly by Enceladus, and revealing the moons surface in greater detail. What make this moon sounds promising the Cassini spacecraft find water rich plumes , and venting from the south pole region. This is the juicy part in my opinion over 100 geysers have been identified. some water vapor.


4 . Europa is the smallest of the four moons that line up with the Galilean moons orbiting the largest planet in the solar system Jupiter, and the sixth closet planet to Earth. It is also the sixth largest moon in the solar system.Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and was name after Europa, the legendary Zeus . A bit smaller than Earth's moon the moon is made of silicate rock and has a water-ice crust, it has a weak atmosphere mainly made of oxygen. The moon has cracks and streaks like the antarctic, and the moon has the smoothest surface in the known solar system the smoothness are led to hypothesis there could be more water than Earth under the layer of ice of Europa which could harbour alien life not really smart aliens in the movie,like squid and other sea life found on Earth.

Hey guys this is my first post I hope you guys like it this is my first blog ever on a site so please leave some love down in the comment section below, AND STAY AWESOME GUYS.


Titan is the largest Moon of Saturn. it is the only known moon so far that has an atmosphere
Ganymede has an substantial atmosphere

Europa .... has a weak atmosphere mainly made of oxygen.

Titan doesn't has a strong atmosphere, Ganymede is the known moon that has a atmosphere that is as strong as Earth's

I'm merely quoting from what YOU posted.
Fun fact...Titan is the only (planet? moon?) that has Nitrogen in it's atmosphere besides earth.

Ugh sorry about that btw Titan is classified as a moon , and titan has liquid methane on it surface too!

yeah I know it's classified as a moon.

  • Frequently described as a planet-like moon, Titan is 50% larger than Earth's Moon, and it is 80% more massive. It is the second-largest moon in the Solar System, after Jupiter's moon Ganymede, and is larger than the smallest planet, Mercury, but only 40% as massive.

Comets are the same as Asteroids too. Orbits matter I suppose.

Titan is one of the best candidate that could host life.

I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!! When can I get on the spaceship already?!

lol we not that advanced enough yet :{