If you only had 24 hours to live ... (5 SBD Giveaway - see rules at the bottom of the post!)

EDIT: 14 qualifying responses
People handle the thought of death in a variety of ways.
If you knew you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend the remainder of your life?
Spending time with family and friends.
We often talk about how important our families are. But do we do a good job of proving how important they are to us by spending time with them?
Time missed spent with our spouses and children cannot be regained. Often times I see people laboring today (at the expense of their family) for a future dream that may or may not come to be.
Time spent with our spouses and children (and the memories we create) cannot be taken away. We all need to work towards leaving a legacy of memories for others to enjoy once we are gone.
What type of stories will you leave behind? Good ones or bad ones.
My hope is that I have spent an abundant amount of quality time with my family that my last 24 hours spent with them will not be in an attempt to make up for lost times, but rather celebrate a life well lived together.

Checking off activities from your bucket list.
If you have waited until the last 24 hours of life to start marking off items from you bucket list, then you have robbed yourself of life changing opportunities.
Items in a bucket list should be crossed out, because they have been and are being experienced through the entire span of one's life, not just at the end of life. Somethings should be experienced in one's youth. Other things should be experienced by the old and wise.
We all need to find a proper balance of the here-and-now and our dreams for the future. Let your bucket list be both present and future!

Repenting of sin. Making amends.
I personally believe that there is moral right and wrong. When I have wronged someone I need to genuinely ask for forgiveness and seek reconciliation with that person.
My sins and offenses against other people create barriers in my personal relationships. That is not a life well lived!
By making amends now, not later, I develop and nourish stronger relationships with the people who are dearest to me.
Asking for forgiveness is one of the most challenging things to do in life. But when I invest in my personal relationships and remove any obstacle for future growth, I am removing a heavy burden, both in my life and the lives of others.
Experience peace and joy by asking for forgiveness and offering forgiveness. Make sure that you let go of bitterness and hurt in your heart before your last 24 hours of life!

Feeling Depressed.
This is a natural response for anyone who knows they only have 24 more hours to live, but it does not have to be the only response.
If we are living life well today, then we will be able to live the last 24 hours of life well too.

How to participate in the 5 SBD giveaway?
- Upvote this post
- Give a thoughtful comment about what you would do if you only had 24 hours to live.
(Inappropriate comments, inauthentic comments, or comments generated by bots will not be considered for the giveaway)
I will count the number of qualified responses to my question. I will use tools from Random.org to randomly select one of those responses. If the person who wrote that comment also upvoted the post then he/she will be declared the winner of 5 SBD. If not, then I will randomly select another response to my question until a winner is declared.
The winner of the giveaway will be announced in 7 days.

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Images Sources:
1 - https://pixabay.com/en/dead-death-final-end-ending-1205269/
2 - https://pixabay.com/en/blue-playing-child-baby-small-1283078/
3- https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-walking-on-a-hay-field-during-day-time-505192/
4 - https://pixabay.com/en/girlfriends-hug-trust-girl-2213259/
5 - https://pixabay.com/en/window-view-sitting-indoors-girl-1081788/
Congratulations to @rudel - winner of the 5 SBD prize for answering this contest question. Your prize has already been transferred.
I could not agree with you more on the concept of spending time NOW vs missing time now for some ungauranteed future. My kids are kids now, tomorrow they will be teenagers, and next week I'll be a grandparent it feels like. I work hard now but I have to because I have chosen to own businesses in order to control my time and maximize my time with my kids over the convenience of working for someone else and missing out. As always awesome post!
It's always admirable with people who take risk to achieve great things, especially when they're having their kids best interest in mind. People like that are indeed sacrificing. Owning a business or working hard on something early morning and every evening to make money so that you and your family can go beyond normal life is very very admirable, noble and moral. You are trying to secure your children. Not only can the inherit money, but they can inherit a business. But more importantly they WILL inherit your knowledge about the world. And if you're able to teach them how the world works, if you have that relationship with your kid as they grow up..man..imagine what they can become. Most of us are in total blindness our entire lives. Some see the light at 30, 40 or even 50. And even fewer are capable of succeeding.
I agree with you, I could care less if I make 6 figures or make 30k a year. At the end of the day what matters is being present. I honestly believe everyone can find their niche and has the ability to free themselves. Yes I'm also a relentless optimist 😁, what it really boils down to is perseverance. All of us have more than we know to offer to our children we just never really realize it.
Well put!
Appreciate your wise words. You are describing the dream that I am pushing towards!
@freemrktfarmer, thanks fort the encouraging words.
I am not at a place to own and operate my own business, but I want to move in that direction. I really resonate with "control my time and maximize my time with my kids."
Absolutely, I believe with your writing and dedication to your children it's only a matter of time. For me it was a grind on me and my wife for several years but as time passed systems get developed and you get into the groove. Love your posts and your replies!
Yes, looking back, time always seems to have flown by too fast. Good for you for taking the time to spend more time with your kids, freemrktfarmer!
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I would just spend the day with my family on the beach or a walk in the forest. Something that we always do. And be 100% present. Make the day feel like an eternity and it would be a good day as any to leave this earth.
@scandinavianlife, it is great to hear that you already have routine with your family that you would enjoy together.
You comment "100% present" was like a gut punch. My desire is to be 100% present when I am with my family, but I fail. I want to keep improving! Thanks for those words!
Me too buddy. I fail so many times at that. I'm stressed out at times, checking my cellphone, my mind is drifting. Often my realization of how much I love my family comes when kissing my sleeping son goodnight. I often think; "Tomorrow I'll be 100% present" Often I fail. But sometimes I don't. And those moments and hours are the best. I mean, that's life happening right then and there. Your kid asking the same questions over and over. "What kind of car is that dad?" "I see a tractor!" It's hard to play "man walks over railroad 100 times in a row on the living room floor" but it means so much to your kid. And it strikes me every day how fast they grow up. It sounds so cliche, but it's true. And you've only got 5-6 years. After that you're not that cool anymore. I try to remind myself of that as often as possible :)
I totally understand! Let's work hard now so that we can gain several more years of being "cool"!
It's tough to say, but i think i would make a non-legal video will to be automatically sent to my loved ones the following day. Thanking everyone that's been there for me, and giving them one last push to live life to the fullest and follow their dreams.
I would then outline how they could find my hidden physical silver and gold stacks,my Trezor wallet with my all recovery keys for all my other crypto currency holdings, along with a time capsule i buried a while back.
Since I don't live near much of my family, I would dawn a gopro start a countdown to death live stream, climb a roof downtown with a small drum kit, bring a bunch of friends for a party, barricade the access door, jam out on good tunes and end it all with a legendary drum solo.
hey @geomagna! It sounds like you have a lot of treasure that you want to pass along. Great reminder to pass that important information on to someone we trust before death.
Hope you don't have to end it all with a legendary drum solo any time soon, but it sounds like you will go out with a bang.
When my grandparents died I felt like I had not spent enough time with them. When you said the following it took me a while to accept it and unfortunately I waited until death to put it into practice.
my last 24 hours spent with them will not be in an attempt to make up for lost times, but rather celebrate a life well lived together.
My extended family lives overseas and growing up I would visit them every summer. Now as an adult, I don't make it a priority. I came to realize that I spent my entire childhood trying to connect with family that wanted distance.
So to answer your question, my last 24 hours would be very similar to my day to day. I choose to live it as if it was the last. Leaving very little for the tomorrow that I am not promised. The only difference would probably be I wouldn't go into work and just play at the beach with the family.
@kubbyelizabeth, thanks for an honest comment. We all have regrets about the past. I just hope we take the time to minimize future regrets.
I completely agree. If I only had 24 hours left, I would make sure that I called in sick. Thanks again.
hahah, you would like in your last 24 hrs?
:-D Just tell them you are dying and today is all you got.
I would spend it as usual. I don't try have a good time with my most beloved ones because after I die they will miss me much more due to that good memories. Death is for the ones who is still alive. Dead person doesn't know s/he is dead.
@varol, thanks for the comment!
I would just enjoy the last moments of my life with my friends and family.
@omrii, thanks for the comment.
I would simply and only enjoy life. Preferably with the person i love.
Life is best spent when we are with loved one. Thanks for the comment @knircky!
if i have 24 hours to live i prefer to stay in the presence of God together with my family
@rudel, thanks for your comment. God and family are important to me too!