life so far!

in #life9 years ago

Well all the pain killers in the world will not take away the pain in my shoulder or neck gone to the doctor and got told its in my head with it been the second operation and i had no pain from the first operation, i call BS on that one and i know i'm in pain as can feel the pain and i know my body better than they do as i live with my body everyday for 41 years, i know they have trained for years, but me and everybody knows when they are in pain so i think they need to start and open there ears and take in to account that the person who is sat in front of the knows how there body works from day to day, not just sit there and say you need this and that to make you better by shoving pills down are necks just to make money and to try and control the human race for the big wigs so they get rich of the poor health of the people.


Not Good
Sometimes Rest Is Good tho
Flat On Your Back Hut You?

Sorry i have not messaged you back before now, yes its very hard to sleep on my back as i normally i fall asleep on my right side and i tend to roll on to that side in my sleep so i get up n pain everyday.