Warning Warning...Rant Alert! The Pathetic Banking Industry Is Running Scared And I Hope We Collapse The Lot Of Them!!!

in #life7 years ago

Those who know me here, know I am a positive, 'see the upside' kinda guy.'

Never before have I struck my keyboard in anger, but today I am steaming as opposed to Steeming (which always makes me happy.) Over a 6 week period now I have been trying various ways to upload money into an exchange founded by some pretty cool people from the platform. @easydex is a simple convenient way to trade in multiple cryptocurrencies and has a fiat ramp too and most important of all they have a password recovery option...You can see why this is my exchange of choice.


To cut a long story short I have attempted to send money to the exchange several times using my bank, and have been kept waiting (by said bank) for a crazy amount of time on each occasion, before being informed of some previously unexpected (and unmentioned) obstacles. Anyway last week I decided it was now or never and decided to start the ball rolling and see this thing through to its conclusion and get that money onto the exchange and finally invest in what I sincerely believe to be the next great evolutionary leap with regard to use of the internet.

I called up my bank and asked some basic questions that were designed to point me in the right direction so that when I had an appointment with an advisor at my bank this week I was prepared. I knew exactly what I needed to do and knew exactly what I wanted.

Sure enough I arranged a meeting at my bank and then proceeded to sit there for the best part of 2 hours yesterday to make this thing work as I am desperate to be able to finally become a crypto investor. There were lots of glitchy little issues that came up throughout the meeting that the girl told me she had not seen before...I am a sod's law kinda guy so it was pretty much expected that I would have them happen to me, I accepted the 1 in 100 rule years ago, if 1 person in 100 experiences a problem, bad reaction or side effect...


I'm your man!

I do not see it as a negative thing anymore, just a quirky natural law that has always applied to me. Friends assume I must exagerate until they witness it for themselves and then they say...

"OMG It's true...It is always you!"

So back to the story at hand...I endured all of the issues that the process could throw at me...I checked every detail, every password several times for the account I had created on the I-pad in the office, (for data protection laws I needed to set it all up myself)...Really? Alas I could not finish the full process in the office at my bank even after this mammoth length session...So when I returned home I made a coffee and headed straight to my trusty PC (I'm such a dinosaur...I can only work at a PC) to see this thing through, even if it killed me (at times I did wonder!!!)

I jumped through every necessary hoop, dotted every i and crossed every t. There was absolutely zero chance of them squirming out of correctly setting up the international money transfer account that I needed, it would be quick and convenient to use after I had made my first transaction.

Damn! Why did I read that leaflet and believe the nonsense they were telling me?

After a couple more hours and a combined amount of time that probably totaled somewhere in the region of 76 years to see through to it's conclusion, low and behold I had the account I needed, I had transferred the cash I wished to use for the transaction and my first international transfer had been accepted...Whoo-Hooo!

I mentioned earlier that life rarely runs that smoothly for me, if you can call the story so far smooth...I awoke the next day knowing that it may be the day my money reached the easydex exchange...I was pumped and ready to trade for the first time using money I had worked incredibly hard for and saved. Within one hour, my crypto-empire fantasy had crashed around my (red with rage) ears. You see I received a phone call from guess who...

I was asked a few questions in an easygoing manner about a query on my account. The easygoing questions seemed to turn almost in an instant to an interrogation by the Fed's. I realised exactly where the questioning was heading FAST then it came, the real reason for the call and the only question they were calling to ask...

So is the money to be used to buy...wait for it... CRYPTOCURRENCY?

Yes I replied knowing what was coming next. You see I had thus far refrained from using the C-word as I know the animosity, disdain and unmitigated terror with which the banksters view it...I used several euphemisms to describe what the money was to be used for...investments, financial trading and platform and portfolio...

Oh I am sorry he said (not sounding remotely sorry at all) but that is not something that is in line with the ethical practices of our bank and our partners...He followed up that it was not something they would be prepared to get involved with. yet was pretty much unable to explain why when prodded further.

I then gave him the good news (as I saw it) that luckily, neither he nor the bank would have to become involved with it as I was using my own money that I had worked incredibly hard for, saved and paid tax on that was housed in my bank account that I had held with them in the same branch for around 30 years. I further stated that I did not seek credit, a loan or a signature of liability that gave me the rights to seek possession and foreclosure on the banks premises if my Steem went down by 5 cents...

I am not sure if he did not like my particular brand of sarcasm, acerbic wit or the fact that I possessed a voice and an opinion and was unafraid to use either, but he started to wind the conversation down and head towards a conclusion and a get-out...I however was not finished yet and so dragged it out a little more with awkward questions delivered in a manner that did not hide my distaste, distrust or disdain one iota. However, all said and done I knew that this particular avenue was closed to me so I moved on.

I understand and respect that banks often refuse people based on credit checks, income level and other erroneous dis-qualifiers when they apply for a loan, line of credit or mortgage...I may not like it, but I 'get it'
But I was asking for nothing from them except to make a transaction to spend...My money on what I wanted. I do not require their permission or blessing to use my own tax paid wages and savings on whatever the hell I want!

You see the bigger picture, right?


The establishment is bloody terrified. they have recognised crypto for what it is and have no control over it and no rights to print more of it for themselves, for the board, the investors and all the government lobby cronies who are in their pocket and vice-versa. They are terrified of the freedom it can afford us, the establishment does not like financially or indeed mentally free individuals at all. It does not serve their aim, their purpose or more importantly...THEIR AGENDA!

I have witnessed many people making lovely, caring, community minded gestures on this platform to those who are in need. Some of the poorest people on the planet are benefiting from small trickles of assistance from multiple users hat can make a real and lasting difference to their lives. these trickles can and will eventually become raging torrents of love and best wishes and food and shoes and business startup loans or grants or clean drinking water and oh-so many other things...

This simply will not do...This is not what the establishment desires. They wish to see (and create) division and disharmony between the peoples of the world. There is I am certain a lot of profit and interest payments in what they call international aid.

The establishment has just become my enemy (again) by sticking it's interfering tendrils into my business again.


They should have kept out of my life, your life and everybody else's life! For now they must be relegated to a bygone age.


@stevenwood you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Hi @stevenwood

Congratulations again for winning the comments challenge last week, I've now removed the delegation.

Good luck and Steem on! :D
