What is life?

in #life8 years ago

Question: What is the meaning of life?

Answer: What is the meaning of life? How can I find purpose, perfection and satisfaction in life? Can I get the lasting significance of something? A lot of people have never left to think about these important questions. They look back over the years and wonder why their relation does not break and why they feel so much emptiness, although they found everything they had to get out of. A player who had reached the peak of a lot of fame in the game of baseball, was asked that when he initially started playing baseball, then what did he want him to advise? He replied, "I wish someone told me that when you reach the summit, nothing happens there." Many objectives reveal their emptiness only when many years have been wasted in pursuit of them.

In our humanistic culture, people pursue many objectives, thinking that they will find that meaning in them. Some of these works include: business success, wealth, good relationships, sex, recreation, goodness towards others, etc. People have certified that when they attained the goals of wealth, relations and joy, they had a deep emptiness inside them, a feeling of emptiness that does not seem to be filling any object.

The author of the book of Bible Scripture, realized this when he said, "Waste is vanity, vanity is nothing ... all things are vanity" (Ecclesiastes 1: 2). King Sulaiman, who is the author of E.E., was a vast wealth beyond the scope, had more knowledge than himself or anyone of our time, had hundreds of women, had many palaces and gardens due to the envy of many states There were the best food and wine, and every kind of entertainment was available. Yet he once said that whatever he wanted his heart, he followed him. And on that he also concluded that "under the sun" - such a life as such, as in life, that is something that we can see with our eyes and feel with the senses - is useless! Why is such a vacuum Because God had done something other than just experiencing our present and present. Solomon said about God, "He kept eternity in the hearts of men ..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11). In our hearts we know that only "today and now" is not everything.

In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we find that God created man in his own image (Genesis 1:26). This means that we are more like God than anyone else (from any other type of life) We also find that before falling into the sin of mankind and before the earth was cursed, the following things were true: 1) God made man a social creature (Genesis 2: 18-25); 2) God gave the work to man (Genesis 2:15); 3) God was in fellowship with man (Genesis 3: 8); 4) God gave man authority over the earth (Genesis 1:26). What is the importance of these topics? God wanted each and every person to bring fulfillment in our life, but there was adverse effects in each and every one of these (especially with man's fellowship with God) falling into man's sin, and the result of the curse on the earth ( Origin 3).

Revelation, which is the last book of the Bible, God reveals that he will destroy this present earth and sky, as we know them, and create a new heaven and a new earth. At that time, he will restore complete association with the redeemed mankind. While the redemption was found inappropriate after the failed justice and they were thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20: 11-15). And the curse of sin will continue: And then there will be no sin, sorrow, sickness, death or pain (Revelation 21: 4).

And God will reside with them, and they will be his sons (Revelation 21: 7). Thus, we complete the cycle: i.e. God composed us for fellowship with us; Humans have sinned by breaking that association, God restores association with them in the state of infinitude. To be separate from God to eternity, fulfilling the journey of life to die is more bad than futility, finding nothing and everything else! But God has not only made a way to make everlasting happiness possible (Luke 23:43), but also to make this life satisfying and meaningful. How can this eternal joy and "heaven on earth" be attained?

To restore the meaning of life through Jesus Christ

The real meaning of life is found both in the present and the eternal period, in the restoration or rehabilitation of the relationship with God, which was lost when falling into Adam and Eve's sin. This relationship with God is possible only through His Son, Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; John 14: 6; John 1:12). Eternal life is attained when someone repents from their sins (and does not want to continue doing them), and Christ transforms us, creates a new creation, and we rely on Jesus Christ as our Savior.

The real meaning of life is not only about accepting Jesus as your Savior, as it is amazing. Instead, the real meaning of life is found when a person follows Christ as a follower, by receiving instruction through him, spending time with him in his words, talking to him in prayer, and his commandments Followed with him to follow. If you are an unbeliever (or maybe a new believer may be), then you may find yourself saying, "This does not seem to be thrilling or satisfactory to me!" But Jesus gave the following statement:
Come to me, all you who labor and are loaded with burden, and I will give you rest, take up my yoke on you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest in your heart. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11: 28-30). "I came that they should get life and gain abundantly" (John 10:10). "If anybody wants to follow me, Carry and raise your cross; And get behind me For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it; And whoever will lose his life for me, he will find it "(Matthew 16: 24-25)." Jehovah knows the source of your happiness, and he will fulfill your desires "(Psalm 37: 4).

Whatever these rectangles are saying, we have an election. We can continue the guidance of our own life, the result of which will bring an emptiness, or we can choose to pursue God and His will with our whole heart, which is the result of the life of perfection, the desires of our own hearts Fill up and be filled with satisfaction and satisfaction. This is because our creator loves us and desires a good thing for us (not necessarily a simple life, but it will be full of abundance).

Christian life can be compared to that election, in which the game is played closely by buying expensive chair in the playground, or by spending less, the game is seen from a distant place. There is something like "seeing through the first line" of God's work that we should choose but sadly, many people do not have such an election. For the first time, seeing God's works is for the full-hearted follower of Christ who has left his life in the pursuit of his desires so that he can follow God's wishes in his life. They have paid the price (full dedication to Christ and his will); They are feeling full of life; And they can face themselves, their companions, and their Creator without any remorse. Have you paid the price? Do you wish to do this? If so, then you will never be hungry again for meaning and purpose.