Can IMPossible Be Possible?

in #life7 years ago

(Source: Shutterstock)

In the midst of all this chaos of preparing exams, I thought to myself that there is one exam I probably won't be able to pass.
Scared, with tears in my eyes, I was chatting with my friend about it.
What she told me was really encouraging.

Her professor, not that long ago said:
"In life, everything is possible and everything is impossible. It all depends on who (where) you ask."

Why do I feel like it's impossible?
Probably because since I was little I was being told by people around me, things are impossible.
It was impossible for me to get into Vocational school of Economics (even though I had good grades "they aren't good enough"), to have all the highest grades in school,
to do/conquer all these little or big things that come my way. I did them all. Or at least almost all.
I myself was convinced it was impossible but still had a glimmer of hope.
The important thing is not to embrace that "impossibility" and trust in yourself.

But sometimes there are no people telling you "you can't", It's just you, left with thoughts of fear and voices.
That's my case right now. So what do I do?
The only thing I can do is, of course give my best shot and have hope.
Because Hope dies Last!



We, the unwilling, Led by the Unknowing, Are doing the impossible For the ungrateful, For so long, With so little, We are now qualified to do Anything With Nothing. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I love how you put it in just 2 sentences. I agree @alltechevent !! :)