
SteemingMark, you will find that many people support Russia unconditionally just to fight against the USA no matter what. So "we the people" are not all necessarily on the same side. Since I am not really a big fan of Russia, for reasons I will not discuss, I am automatically part of "the bad guys".

its not bad, its being ignorant and brain washed by the mainstream media.. look at the destruction done by the NATO and USA across the world, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. and many countries before like Vietman, etc. Its trying to be world police. Its sad the tax payers money are going in killing innocents and raping then. You shoud see the documentary of ABU Garib prison in iraq. Also look at the before after images of these countries. People were far more happy then now, when everything is destroyed by americans and nato. USA dollar has next to no value, 23 trillion dollar debt and still rising. Iv come across many americans in other countries, and rarely found anyone who is decent. Its just in their attitude of looking down upon everyone. Its sad that most of their upbringing is in that manner. Especially this current anti legal/illegal immigration thing going on, when the entire country is built of illegal immigrants by killing millions of natives. They don't teach this in history books in USA or Australia, same like the Britishers are not taught about their Evil colonial rule in their schools. Russians tried it and learnt their lesson, never did it again. Where as USA and NATO are just not stopping. None of the governments are good here, but the least bad of all superpowers looking at the current global scenario, i feel is Russia and India. China no doubt is a bit of a bully, but not like the west, whos only agenda is to destroy or demonize, since they have the control over media and obviously Hollywood. PEACE

@heather2000 whats up why are you 100% downvoting everyone!??!??!

I dont know much about the US elections, but Blaming everything on Russia is what USA main stream media does. USA is a police state where people get killed for walking on street on the wrong side or staring at a policeman or parking or driving wrongly just for being coloured. USA is a white supremacist country, and so is most of the Europe. My first and the recent trip to USA and Mexico (solo), i felt safer and more homely in Mexico, eventhough i was travelling solo, then in USA, where you are more scared of the police then then thugs. USA citizens across the world look down upon people. We dont see police in So called "Third World" countries killing random people for such reasons. As for Russians, iv stayed in thailand for two years, and iv come across many whites, and the most humble whites were Russians, infact one of my very good friend married to a russian, and recently shifted to russia, and he told me its one of the best decisions he ever made. Russians are also very much family oriented unlike americans who feel ashamed living with parents after a certain age, and their parents need to take appointments for meeting them, even Latinos are somuch family oriented. This is my personal experience, not just by reading or watching youtube videos. in my one month trip to USA, came across 3 racist bastards. Had also written a post on it here.

my comment is not my view it is just what i read in the news