A New Chapter of the Diary: Celebrating 1,000 Followers & One Year on Steemit
Quick facts: At the moment of writing this post I have already crossed 1,200 and my Steemit birthday was actually 12 days ago.
For the past year I experienced a couple of great times and I'd say that I paid a sweet price to become part of the writer's community on Steemit - not because I'm a writer, but because I somehow integrated with my actions here and there.

The ambition for the rest of this year I have is mostly related with supporting other members and giving back for the great gifts I received from them. You can always give back something and I feel joy even thinking about it. As mentioned previously I'd start with @kubbyelizabeth. What I've decided is preparing a list of curious questions and compiling a funny interview with her.
So Kubby, expect a link with questions on Discord :)
Thank you all guys! Love you <3
Image source: Pixabay.com
Woah, usually I am the one asking the questions. Thanks for selecting me first :) Also, Happy Birthday!
Yupeee! Thank you Kubby! :) Yes, prepare for an unusual sequence of short questions.