A Cat Came to Our Door-We Took It In. The Owners Took It Back :(

in #life6 years ago

This is the story of our week with the most beautiful chill cat that we had ever met. We took it in as if it were our own, it was lost and lonely. She became a part of our family... until the owners came knocking on the door late one night.

Last week my wife was doing the dishes in the sink by our front window, and all of a sudden I hear her say, "There is a cat coming up our walkway!" She ran to the door with wet hands and opened the door to say hi to the beautiful white cat. The cat walked right between her legs and through the door into our house. I was sitting in a rocking chair in the living room when the cat strutted its way down our hall and began to explore. My wife and I were both staring at each other in amazement. I thought most cats would be a little apprehensive about walking into a strange place. Not this one, I guess. It hopped up on to our couch and made its self comfy.


We both kind of laughed. We were still a bit surprised at how relaxed this cat was to just waltz into a strangers home. My wife checked to see if there was a collar as the cat reached it head out for a pet. Nothing, there was no name, tag, registration, contact information, or anything. We did notice that the cat had been declawed, so we knew that it was someones pet. Around that same time the kids started coming downstairs from their rooms. Of course they loved the cute, fluffy cat. They petted her and played with her, Of course, asked if we could keep her.

We let the kids know that this was someone else's pet and that we were sure that her owners were out looking for her. We agreed to let the cat stay in our house until the owners showed up. The cat didn't have claws and we knew that if it was out roaming the streets that it wouldn't be able to defend it's self. My wife went outside to see if anyone was out looking for their lost cat. She came back to the house a few minutes later because she didn't see anyone out roaming around looking for their pet. She made some quick signs on the computer and printed them then hung them up around the neighborhood. She also posted in a few local facebook groups to get the word out that we had found a cat.

My wife decided to go to the store and get some cat supplies while we temporarily looked after this lost cat. She grabbed some cat food, a dish, litter box, and a brush. To my surprise the cat took to the litter box as soon as we set it out. She did her business where she was supposed to. That made me happy. The last thing we need is a cat crapping all over our house.

Initially, we just wanted the cat to stay in the downstairs part of our house, but she quickly learned how to navigate over the baby gate blocking the stairs. Plus, it didn't help my case to only keep her downstairs when she got in bed with my wife and began to cuddle and purr. The cat still went downstairs to complete her business so I guess I didn't mind.


A few days had went passed and no one had reached out to us about their lost pet. We began to talk about if no one were to claim her, if we would keep her or not. I ended up taking the kids to Pets Mart the next day and picked up a few things for the cat. We purchased some better food, a bed, toys and treats. By this point, 4 or 5 days had passed and my family and I were really starting to get attached to this cat. The cat was becoming well adjusted to our home as well. We decided to keep her!

A few things really surprised me. For one, I never thought that I would like having a cat around the house as a pet. I always thought of my self as more of a dog person. It also surprised me how self sufficient a cat really could be. It was actually pretty low maintenance. Lastly, I couldn't believe that whoever had owned this great cat wasn't out searching the streets day and night for this awesome little fur ball. I know I would be every where looking for my pet if it was lost.

Well after a week of getting to know and enjoy our new family companion, the worst thing imaginable happened. It was late in the evening and we had a surprise ring at our door bell. Not having a clue who it could be, I got up from my chair to answer the door. To my surprise it was a man, a woman, and a small girl. They were very excited that I had opened the door. They asked, " did you find a Cat? She has a grey tail."

They came in and saw the cat lying on our couch. I looked at my wife and I could tell she was so upset but also pleased the owner finally found their missing pet.

The guy asked if he could take her home. Saddened, I said that he could.

The cat went with the owners, out the door and into its original home.

My wife was so upset she started crying and couldn't stop. I felt sad, as well. We let this cat come into our home and treated it as if it were ours.


This was a very sad time in our families life. Trying to explain this to our kids was uncomfortable. When the kids woke up the next morning they were so devastated. I told them that the cat had returned home and was happy. Everyone understood but for some reason my wife and I were still upset. We did enjoy our time with this fluffy feline. We are now considering getting a cat of our own.

Loving a pet is like no other.




I'd say that cat had every intention of adopting you and moving in. Animals can 'read' people better than most people can. Not to say that they're always right and don't make poor judgement calls just like people, but this cat seems to have decided you'd make a great owner. Even if you haven't noticed the cat before, it's probably watched you for a while.
Alas after that much of love and affection she was took by her owners, It would have hurt, I also think that cat loved your company as it can be clearly seen from the pics.

Thank you for the kind words, she will be missed. I would say that we would go visit her, as her home was actually only 3 doors down, but they are moving next week. We will have to look for a new family pet. Thanks for the support. :)

The cute cat @steemengines I love cats

You will miss her always as it can be seen from the pics how much deep bond was shared by your family with her. Well you should get a same looking pet to avoid missing her, hope that will help

Thank you :) Yes, we are going this weekend to look for kittens. My wife wants to get the same type. Its a Ragdoll Cat we believe.

Hooe you get one much similar to her

Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods... Lol Cat lover for life


But they're cute 😍 lol

I am a cat lover too.. but I can't deny the fact though can you ??😁

they are! Lol

Awe!! that is awesome. Love the little bow tie! :) Lol if sure we will learn that!

I Really Like Cat Thanks For share @steemengines

Cat many humans who like cat let alone like cat @steemengines

man you should have made a deal with owners
this cat is love !
it will be good for you to get a new one!

I know, we really wanted to. But it was their family pet for a long time. We were heart broken, but we understand.

yeah man,they will be more connected as they have spend alot of time together as compared to your few days!

Cats are like that, they don't care about the owners.
They behave like Kings but they're cute 😅

They are, my wife loved it because it was such a big snuggler.

Thats lovely cat nice

Thanks buddy :)

woww buddy, your cat angel ) ?

It may have been sent to us by an angel. :) My wife thinks so.

Hahaha. That's so bad because I would have wanted to keep the beautiful thing. Loot at her, she's adorable. But you always knew that the owner would come to take the cat back.
Anyways it's nice of you to keep the cat and not let her roam the streets as you are absolutely right to say that she couldn't have defended herself. Pet cats cannot defend themselves from the street cats. Lol. Fighting experience on the streets. Cheers mate

haha yes, I don't think this cat would have done too well in a fight, it was too nice. The owners were very happy to see that we were taking such good care of her. Thanks for the support man!

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Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

cats are cute as they seem, I'm also having a cat as a pet, i feed her daily and she seem to enjoy it, but at times she roams here and there and doesn't come to home at times she is out for days, don't know where she goes, anyways this cat of yours seemed to enjoy your company as the pictures reflect but this is sad that her owner came and took her back, this is really sad, you should have given the owner money of the cat and should have made the cat as your pet... IMG_20171110_161516.jpg
here is my cat, I love her alot 😊

That is a very sweet looking cat. Thank you for sharing a photo of your pet. I do know that some cats are very independent, that is probably why it is always going out on adventures. At least she knows where her home is and always comes back!

May be it's a law of nature. It's not easy to detached those things which you find special attachment. Cat at you home was so cute, amazing & friendly. May be cat found some thing good in your home. May be impressed your hostility so loved to spend time with you. Owners of cat will be thank full to you for all of you care and hospitality. May be they give you cats kitten as a reward. nice way to tell the story. keep sharing @steemengines

Thank you. If there is one good thing that did come out of this situation, it is that we now know that we would enjoy having a cat as a companion. Before having this one for a week, we would probably gotten a dog instead. We are thankful for her coming to visit us. :)

Yes cat is always good companion. Dog is not bad at all but my personal liking is cat due to innocence. Thanks for sharing @steemengines