Worry is Hell on Earth
Death does not only suggest the absence of the human life or no breath, we have to many dead men walking, from people living out of their purpose to those struggling with addictions and full of anxiety, men are constantly living in pains and storms, majorly the internal storm killing productivity.
what really happened?
High level of care and worries takes over the growing up stage which in-turn gets to be an habit and thereafter a treasure, children have the least to worry about because no special responsibility is administered to them, leaving a care free life encourages a good countenance as a little baby is desired by all, innocence, peace and quietness as the aura so that at the sight of babies one thing becomes common to every sane man!, "peace and love".
How come did we loose this loving carefree personality, could we have sold it out to time or the world system?
I once met a friend we discussed for some time on this note, he is in his early 20's and he was really depressed at what was going on in his life, how he had to worry about his phone issues, his family, money and more, cumbered with a lot of care of how he had to be able to solve all these problems, there was truly alot for Him to care about, then i asked if he was able to concentrate on his schooling with this worries, you can guess what he told me, "Capital No", why? worries and cares have a way of tieing you to the past and problems which cannot be solved by you!
what really happened is the fact that we started believing in a wrong idea as we grew older the idea of fear and anxiety, we where taught to be responsible and start doing something to measure up with others and once we don't find it or we don't attain the height, we begin to wonder why, this grows into many more encounters and more worries accumulate which introduce us to the "rat race". I believe Its not too late you can recover.
-Stop measuring with others
-Do the best of yourself not the best of others
-Set your own pace not others
-Its better to compete with you than with others, cause you will have nothing to loose.
Living as though we are not alive is exactly what worries and anxiety do, imagine for some seconds what life would really be like without worries, certainly you might not be able to do that, why simply because worries have become a treasure to you. You cant afford to loose it because you feel if you do you will live carelessly, I ask you a simple question, ever since you being worrying how many problems did you solve? certainly non, because you later find out worries only still joy from you and carry the problems on your head, as though you were created to carry problems.
Consider this pressure cooker below, this is exactly what happens over time and I tell you its suicidal
from the pressure cooker video you should see exactly what many persons go through and result in suicide (also of mind and creativity) , its up to you to care less about many things, casting it to The Creator (Jesus).
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Also telling your problems to reasonable people, an adage says "a closed mouth is a closed destiny", do well to free your heart daily, nothing in this world is worth your worry, all is vanity we live , we die!.
So make the best out of your life, and see yourself quit ageing, because worries aims at making you look old and depressed.
Thought refers to ideas or arrangements of ideas that are the result of the process of thinking. Though thinking is an activity considered essential to humanity, there is no consensus as to how it is defined or understood
Worry refers to the thoughts, images, and emotions of a negative nature in a repetitive, uncontrollable manner that results from a proactive cognitive risk analysis made to avoid or solve anticipated potential threats and their potential consequences

Everyone of us needs a true companion, one whom we can rely on and trust as there are too many things to really care about, this problem runs through the poor and the rich, it doesn't respect anyone, but you respect it by giving it the first place in your life forgetting your worries is the best way to help yourself out of the menace of pains and heart tears, now understanding that this is a deliberate deal and might not happen all of a sudden, so its highly important that we note its not a magical thing, so be deliberate about it.
all image credit: google third-party sites
I hope I was able to help someone.
God help us all!
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Best regards
great piece. I'd re-steem
nice seeing you here @almond... thanks for the re-steem
u too bro..u.welcm