Help me out of Depression 😢

in #life7 years ago

A tensed and stormy feel, a sudden raging of the deep sea, seeming like its about to get the boat capsize, with the occupants gasping for breath ' would we ever be saved from these ' the cry of a passenger , with the burden on the ship falling into the deep ocean 'how on earth did'nt i know this was coming' the mutterings of the captain".

This scenario is not far fetched when we take a look at the reasons why humans fall into the hands og one of the deadliest killer (depression) , having its nature relative to different circumstance. death on toll in the US, India and in variety of places in the world which resulted to suicide is as a result of some depression of some sorts.

Navigating through the thick walls of darkness created by the mind: a sense of no hope, its power to destroy productivity in the mind first and in action, the structure of NO HOPE is the first meal to the power of depression, when hope is deterred the heart is weary(Proverbs 13:12 ) , secondly suggestions from a depressed mind erupts like the advent of a volcano, as the individual seeks for a quick approach to either kill or reduce this dark feeling, thoughts of taking alcohol to snap the victim temporary out of the world comes, suicide, revenge, lots more takes control of this sudden loosed and unguarded mind.

depression as got many persons 6 feet under the ground, report from "" shows:


Depression is a major, if not the major, cause of suicide. Every year, almost one million people die from suicide around the world. Depression is often seen as a disorder of the developed world; mental disorders – in particular depression but also disorders from alcohol misuse – have been clearly linked to suicide in high-income countries. But depression in low and middle-income countries is also a big problem and the prevalence is not dramatically different from high income countries. However, reliable data from some regions of the world – notably Africa – is not available.

Suicide is certainly a global problem. According to a new report from the World Health Organisation – the first time it has published one – some 75% of suicides happen in low and middle-income countries.

Depression is a major risk factor for suicide across the globe. While many suicides are impulsive, because of issues related to finance, illness and other pain, and particular groups who are more vulnerable, it is striking that studies have shown that depression is a significant risk factor for suicide attempts and the relationship is consistent across all countries (high or low-middle income).
And if someone suffers from multiple mental health problems such as depression, alcohol abuse and impulse control disorders, the risk is even higher. In the UK investigations suggested two thirds of people with suicidal behaviour are depressed. But depression is rarely in the headlines unless it involves a famous figure.

Although global suicide rates are highest in people older than 70, this is markedly different in particular countries where young people are more likely to take their lives. Worldwide, it is the second biggest cause of death in 15 to 29-year-olds, and in the UK, it’s the most common cause of death in men aged between 20 and 49.

Then there are the attempts, which are estimated to be 20 times more frequent than those that are completed.
report source:

running through the reports we see the effects of depression "a killer state of being", a major issue people face on daily basis loosing close relatives to suicide(death).

Can depression be stopped?

Newtons law of motion tells us matter will remain in the state of rest until an external force is applied, which suggests a helping hand to solve the problem of depression, why depression is state activated by worries and tension of the system of the world, a need of an external force is very important to solve the problem of depression, so I refer you to my previous post:

Now that you see depression is nothing but a fake idea of no hope, do well to help someone around you, keep a healthy smile, for nothing in this world deserves your tears and unhealthy heart failure.

Love and enjoy everyday life
Do not ever compete with anyone
Only compete with yourself and goals
Be friendly and share your love and moments with godly and trusted persons
Pray always

Hope I was able to help someone with this little information.
Do well to help someone by resteeming this post

note: all images where gotten from google directories(third-party websites)