The animals who have disappeared because of people.

in #life7 years ago

Every year our planet suffers from the population of people more and more.

Water, the woods, air - all this is already poisoned by the person. Together with the woods also animals disappear. Today we have decided to show you who could inhabit our planet to this day if not neglect of the person.


Tarpana — fast and extremely hardy, vigorous animal, very angry and wild, not giving in to a domestication at mature age.

In 13 – 14 centuries they were subject to intensive hunting. In certain cases they were caught and gone round, the Lithuanian princes for repair of horse structure and supply of army with meat caught tarpan in Bialowieza Forest. The last wild тарпан has been killed in 1814 in the territory of the modern Kaliningrad region.
Dodo, or Mauritius dodo

Dodo lived on Mauritius several centuries, without being afraid at all of the natural enemies who just didn't exist on the island. For this reason the bird was not flying — to her it was simple there is nobody to hide.

For the first time the bird was seen in 1598 by the Dutch seamen, and literally in 100 years she has been completely exterminated — both travelers, and animals who were brought to Mauritius by colonists have tried. Still, think what attractive to seamen was a 20-kilogram birdie dinner as whose immediate family modern pigeons are considered.

Sea cow

Stellerova a cow lived at the coast of the Commander Islands and possessed not only small mobility, the huge sizes and total absence of fear of the person, but also the most tasty meat. The last also became the reason that less than in 30 years after the opening the sea cow has been completely exterminated.
The wandering pigeon

Decrease in number of pigeons took place more or less smooth rates somewhere till 1870 then less than in 20 years their number has decreased just catastrophically and the last pigeon in the wild nature has been noticed in 1900.

In bondage the wandering pigeons have held on even till 1914 when in a zoo of the city of Cincinnati the last birdie by the name of Marta has died.

North African cow antelope

Hunting for them was so active that the last several decades of the existence cow antelopes met only in really hard-to-reach spots of several African states until have completely died out to the middle of last century.307702-Lastochka.jpg

Javanese tiger

In the 19th century the Javanese tiger met in all territory of the island of Java and regularly annoyed its inhabitants. Perhaps, it became one of the reasons of active hunting on him or maybe something else, but the fact remains: by 1950 on the island only 20-25 individuals have survived.
And a half of these tigers lived in the territory of specially created reserve. But even it wasn't enough for rescue of population, and by 1970 their number was reduced to seven individuals. The exact time of extinction of the Javanese tigers remains to unknown, but, most likely, it happened in the mid-seventies.

From time to time there are messages that in Java saw the Javanese tiger or even mother with several cubs again, but any documentary evidences that tigers have really remained in the nature no.1269705.jpg

Zanzibar leopard

The campaign for destruction of animals has begun in the second half of the 1960th years, and in some 30 years of the Zanzibar leopards almost didn't remain in the wild nature. Scientists have begun to sound the alarm in the early nineties of the last century, but in several years the program for preservation of a look has been closed up as unpromising.

Tasmaniysky wolf

Tasmaniysky or marsupial the wolf known also as тилацин, lived in the territory of continental Australia and the island New Guinea. For the first time his area of dwelling has undergone change after to New Guinea people have transported dingo dogs. The last have forced out a marsupial of a wolf from his usual habitat, and presently he "has moved" to live on the island of Tasmania.
It is considered that the last marsupial a wolf has been killed on May 13, 1930, and in 1936 in one of zoos of Australia the last marsupial the wolf who was contained in bondage has died of an old age.

Wingless auk

This large bird has been exterminated in the middle of the 19th century. Because of poor development of wings she couldn't fly, by land went hardly, but perfectly swam and dived. In the 16th century Icelanders got eggs of wingless auks the whole boats, but in 1844 two last birds have been killed, and since then messages on these birds didn't arrive.