Life Quotes to think about

in #life8 years ago

Quotes have something magical for me. They have the power to tell a story in just 1-2 sentences without having questions once you understood the meaning of it. Maybe you have noticed that I always put a quote inside my posts to truly make sure you get the message I´m trying to tell you. 

I wrote a post two months ago, mentioning a few of my favorite quotes that I had at this moment. This post was all about my obsession quotes and to introduce you to some of them. But since I got into writing, I decided not to keep them to myself rather sharing them with my community. 

I believe quotes have the power to motivate you, to touch your feelings, to calm you down, to get you hyped etc. etc. 

I go through moments sometimes where I get totally emotional. Not in a bad way, dont get me wrong, I like to let go of all the emotions inside of me to make space for the new. Quotes are always a big helper and they help me to find new directions for my thoughts. I am an overthinker which is such a bad character-trait because it makes life so much harder.  Quotes help me to focus on my goals, to get a clear mind and to forget about negativity...

Now I want you to introduce you to some quotes that inspire me.

Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else. Judge everyone and everything for yourself. - Henry James 

Henry James doesnt talk much about the topic itself, he clearly made a statement with short, powerful, inspiring words. Does anyone know the game chinese whispers ? His quote is just telling you that exact same thing. Don´t believe what anyone tells you unless you got proof by the person or thing itself!

Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo da Vinci

I totally agree with Da Vinci´s quote. I believe that we are made to learn our whole life. Why should we ever stop learning? There are so many informations on this earth and they are offered in books available in every city. Why don´t we use the source to increase our brain power?

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. - Satchel Paige

This one is actually really nice! Why should we only do things to get rewarded at the end? Why should we hurt other people just because we got hurt and cant deal with new emotions? Why should we stop impressing ourselves because others are watching? The answer is very simple. Be open minded, positive and kind. The love will come back to you and will reward you for the good things you did.

Love has no age, no limit; and no death. - John Galsworthy

I am convinced that love has no limits and no death. It goes beyond our imagination and is the most powerful weapon that we have. i hate when people say to other "Oh your boy-/ girlfriend is 10 years younger, why are you even dating?"Age doesnt matter for me as long as both are happy with it!

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I am not quite sure if I mentioned this quote in my last obsession posts about quotes already. Anyway, what these words are trying to tell is to not postpone events, work etc. Do it right now if you can. Don´t think about starting tomorrow or another day! Right now is the perfect timing!

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. - John C. Maxwell

Many people are describing themselves as a leader. But not everyone who has power over a certain group of people is a leader. There is much more than that. I totally appreciate the leaders because they share even though they earn no benefits!

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.- Mark Twain

Remember what I told you a few minutes ago? Do not postpone your work. Do it now in order to succeed!

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. - Confucius

There are just some quotes where everything is being said. Everything has beauty. This is actually very true. It is all a matter of opinion.

I hope you read these quotes wisely because they have the ability to change your life! 

Which one was your favorite quote?

Thanks for reading

Stay focused

Love, Soldier


Hey @soldier, thank you for this nice post. Yep indeed "quotes" do carry the power and magic to impart a spring in one's stride. Depth, motivation and information laden 1 statement weighs a hundred fold might over hundreds of statements with absolutely no intrinsic meaningful value to it. Keep these meaningful posts flowing into the steemit community, for the greater good of us all. Peace..!!

Very nice post...i like this line most [love has no limits and no death. It goes beyond our imagination and is the most powerful weapon that we have. ]

Very true..!! A man can slave a million by his might and force, to be called a dictator. And the day he dies, people make marry and celebrate silently in their hearts.

But a man can live for ever in the memories and prayers of billions, if love and goodwill is all he believed in, during his lifetime. Peace..!!

wow love it !

Great one!

Thank you so much. Appreciate the wise words

"Worrying only does one thing ...
It makes you worried"
---------- Mom

that quote was probably from anxious mother. :-D

Nice post @soldier, everyone has their own favorite quote, and I really like about the quote you share this, add a bit of science for me, thanks for sharing very helpfull

Very glad you enjoyed this content!

Hi @soldier I love reading your posts and stories because you are so wise and thoughtful. A big upvote for me ✅✅ @moonleesteem

Thank you so much! I always read your comments and I appreciate your support a lot!

@soldier wow its really motivational articles!! Today's my morning start with your inspiring post. And favorite quotes is don't complain about things you are not willing to the change:))

Great to hear that my readers wake up and take the energy I gave them

I have a big obsession with quotes , I feel like they describe where I am in life or what I'm striving for or even what I need . They always keep me motivated. I used to put up a quote with every picture I used to put up on social media . I even like to use them with my friends , it just keeps good and helps you stay focused . I like the hustle one hehe

Me too. I put quotes in the description of my posts as well! Quotes are a huge motivation and inspiration for me too!

Sometimes it's our motivation when we are good

Awesome article @soldier, you write so motivational quotes real inspiration for me.

Quotes are a great way to inspire and motivate. These are great quotes, thank you for sharing. My favorite quote of all time is from Dr. Wayne Dyer - "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Great one! I already heard of this quote and I love it too

Very inspiring quotes for me thanx for sharing

inspiring quotes