Healthy Food Journey 🥑 - Signs showing you're not drinking enough water

in #life8 years ago
“The greatest wealth is Health.”

Eating healthy food is a major key in order to have a fit body. When I look back 5 years ago, I havent eaten good and healthful food at all. As most of you might know, when I was younger I started dancing in another city so I needed to drive 1-2 hours to the final destination even on school days. It was pretty tough. I did the homework in the car while my parents were driving, I took a few naps to reenergize my body, later on I started to do my make-up in the car and to be honest with you, the car felt like a second home. Since I started dancing while I was still a cheerleader, I literally had no days off so I wasnt able to eat at home when my mom was cooking. Sometimes the training sessions got so late that every restaurant was already closed and I needed to eat fast food a lot. I dont really felt any negativity inside my body. I am not gaining weight easily so doing a lot of sports definitely helped me to stay healthy even though the food wasnt as good as it should have been. 

I recently started a new gym routine with 1 day off in a week and going as hard as possible. I want to change my fitness journey because of many reasons. While I did that, I realized that healthy food is more important than I once thought. Just hitting the gym and lifting weights doesnt give you a healthy body. The real health comes from within and this is where I started thinking of switching up my food routine and jumping on a healthy food journey. 

But before I start sharing  food, hacks, DIY, reports etc., I want to start with one of the most important topics of all time. W A T E R. The human body is made of 50-80 % water. Our joints, muscles, blood, sweat, lymph, saliva and a lot more. If we do not drink enough water during the day, our body is threatened by drying out. I dont want this to happen thats why I wrote some signs on my paper that are showing you when you arent drinking enough water. 

Drinking water is like washing out your insides. The water will cleanse the system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load and improve the function of all your tissues. - Kevin R. Stone

1. Dry mouth

This one is pretty obvious. If your mouth feels sticky, it´s a sign of dehydration. Grab a bottle of water and take great swallow. 

2. Dry skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body thats why our skin needs a lot of water. If you stop taking enough of the "liquid gold " then the skin does not only dry out and becomes brittle, it also ages faster. Forget about all the anti-aging creams. Drink enough water in order to prevent wrinkles. Sure wrinkles will come at a time but not as soon as by dehydration.

3. Strong thirst 

Before your mouth is getting sticky and dry, you sometimes feel a great thirst. This is obviously a huge sign to warn you to drink enough water. This thirst will go away after taking a few nip of water. 

4. Dry eyes

A too little fluid intake will causes dry eyes. If your body is lacking in fluid then your lacrimal glands will dry out which can harm your eyes especially if you are wearing contact lenses. 

5. Joint pains

80% of our cartilages and intervertebral discs are made of water. They are used to ensure that the bones do not rub against each other during movements. But in order to keep enough of that "material ", you need to drink enough water!

6. Muscle mass goes back

Your muscles consist manly of water which means if you arent taking enough "liquid gold ", your muscles will go back.

7. You are longer sick 

By sufficient water supply, your body can continuously excrete toxins. It works like a filter and if the machine doesnt get enough oil to work, the filter will fail. In other words, if we dont drink enough water, our organs try to get the water from other places which will cause dehydration as well. 

8. Felling sluggish & tired

If we dont drink enough water, our body tries to get the water from other places inside our body which I wrote in point 7. The body will use water from our blood to be exact, which means that less oxygen is transported in our body. This is why we feel sluggish and tired sometimes.

9. Hunger

If you have not drunk anything for a long time, your body might falsely think you are hungry. But digesting food costs a lot of energy while water just cleanses our body and supplies "fuel " which the body needs for certain services. 

There are many other important points such as indigestions, reduced urination, headache, you do not sweat during exercises and so on... 

Water is really one of the most important essentials that you can supply to your body. 

An adult person should drink at least 1,5 - 3,2 liters of water per day. I recommend drinking still water because drinking a lot of sparkling mineral water will bloat the stomach because of the gas. 

No water, no life. No blue, no green.  - Sylvia Earle

This was my welcome post to my new series "Healthy Food Journey 🥑 ". Of course I would love to take my readers with me and trying out new challenges, recipes and a lot more together. 

Are you already living healthy? 

Is someone of you vegetarian or vegan?

Thanks for reading

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

*Image source - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


As far as health and general well being is concerned, water is very important yes.
There is also something else that is important and nobody pay attention to it : breathe ! (consciously)
It can bring tremendous benefits too.

Thats a great add! Breathing has such a huge influence to our bodies.

and I was like...breath! good thing I did yoga this morning

Looks like a few are aware of this after all 😊.

I know that water is really important in the body but i did not know in details its importance. Now i know thank you.

Thanks for your support, appreciate your comments under almost every post. Water is truly more important than we use to think

Yah i try. Duo your post usually comes in the mid night in my country were i suppose to be sleeping but for one reason or the other am always awake.

Its also midnight over here ...
Crazy that you are always awake then. Glad to have you here

Same here. Glad to meet you.

As usual another great and useful article

its great to adopt a varied and balanced diet, that is, eating everything, but in adequate quantities. (Fruits, vegetables, starches, fish, meat ...), and to limit the consumption of sweet products (sweets, sweet drinks ...), savory (snacks, chips ...) and fat ( charcuterie, butter, cream ...).

I love to get any advices, thank you for that!

You are stunning! And it's so important to detox now & again & eat foods that allow our bodies to detox the bad stuff. I am in the beginning of detoxing heavy metals. Long journey ahead but I'm looking forward to feeling good again. Our health is so important and we must work extra hard knowing about all the toxins that surround us. Saunas are great too - & yes water I love water! Thanks for the motivation <3

Thank you for these lovely words! I am also at the beginning of my healthy journey and I am always glad to meet people who go through the same journey like me

its hard to drink 3 liters of water per day, im drinking around 1.5 liters but its not enough i think, need to drink more somehow :) how you remind yourself about water?

Oh I used to be a bad "drinker" as well. I recommend putting a bottle of water on the top of your working space so you are going to see the water every minute. Also a great way to remind is to make notes on your smartphone or on your calendar whatever you use.

Thanks for posting all this informations about healthy foods...

Much more is coming soon

what a excellent article this is . I upvoted and am going to resteem this.

Thank you! Really appreciate it

Am I the only one that drank about 3 bottles of water just so none of these things happens to me?

haha that´s awesome! I try to reach the goal of 3 bottles a day soon

Afraid its not that simple :( too much water has as many negative effects as too little, since it over dilutes your blood, reducing the density of nutrients to the parts of your body that need it, so its a tricky balance, worth researching what the scientific best amount would be, not sure if there is any reliable info on it though.