Peace—How Can You Obtain It?
Because we live in a perturbed, uneasy world, gaining true peace seems to be elusive. And when we get some peace, it is often a struggle to keep it. Then, how can we find true and lasting peace in this critical times? And how may we help others to do so?
To enjoy real peace, we must first feel safe within ourselves and have a sense of well-being (be confident). We also need to develop strong friendship ties with others. And most important, we must cultivate a close friendship with God.

Anxieties in a man’s life (paying bills and having a loved one in the hospital) have been identified as robbers of peace in so many ways. However, when we heed God’s righteous commands and principles not to be anxious over anything [Philippians 4:6], we show that we trust in him and that we desire to have a peaceful relationship with him. He, in turn, draws close to us and blesses us with inner peace.
We are also helped to develop lasting peace by means of a remarkable gift from God—his holy spirit. Peace is the third “fruit of the spirit.” [Galatians 5:22] If true peace is produced by God’s spirit, we need to yield to the influence of the holy spirit to develop true peace, then. How can we do this?
First, we are helped to develop peace by reading God’s inspired Word—the Bible regularly. [Psalm. 1:2, 3] As we meditate on HIS message, Holy Spirit helps us to understand God’s dispositions on many matters. For instance, we see how he remains peaceable, no matter what, why peace is so important to him, and how we can apply lessons from the Bible to experience greater peace in our lives.—Prov. 3:1, 2.
Second, as we read God's words, we must also pray for His holy spirit. [Luke 11:13] God had said if we seek his help, “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” [Phil. 4:6, 7] Undoubtedly, when we prayerfully rely on God’s spirit, He fills us with genuine inner peace.
Some were once easily provoked, but now are more thoughtful, kind, patient, and peaceable in their dealings with others after applying inspired Scriptural principles and after relying on God’s spirit to help them. Even we live in a hostile world, YES, we can have inner peace that contributes to harmony within our families and with others. Is that really possible, and what benefits come from our efforts to make peace?
God urges us to “live at peace with everyone.” [Rom. 12:18] It is always a helpful method to share our knowledge of peace with other people. This further instills in us the significance, importance and immense benefits of peace, and this makes our hearer better by adding values onto them—by keeping a real hope for future, without necessarily being anxious. They are moved to also “seek peace and pursue it.”—Ps. 34:14.
We also contribute to peace when we respect and obey governmental laws and approach government officials in a respectful way. Government laws are often established to protect the citizenry. The law is made for the people, and not otherwise. In most cases, when we abide by the laws made by instituted authorities, we find out they are for own good. Also, at least, we gain peace of mind, rather than being lynched.
Finally, it is helpful that if we must attain peace of mind, we've got to be contended with what we have. Covetousness only heightens our anxiety. When we count our blessings and cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving [Ephesians 5:20] , we gain near an absolute peace of mind.