Not terrorism, peace is islam

in #life7 years ago

28514741_440995909652808_1684961926490647347_o.jpgBismillah hir rah manir rahim

i am explaining my own opinion according to my thinking, i don't use any Islamic reference because many peoples are non Muslim may be don't accept this reference.

at the present time most of the non Muslim containing a negative thinking about Islam. they think that Islam is a religion which based on terror. i don't think that's their fault, because they are illiterate about Islam. they only see the Islam through the bombing , killing etc. what is done by IS or another terror which kill people on the name of Islam.

but what you have seen that cant be right every time . Islam never influence anyone to convert to Islam. Islam never said to kill innocent people on the name of Islam. yes, it is right that some people do it. and they muslim also. they are wrong.

but how could you justify the Islam based on some people ?

you have to understood first they are not the representation of Islam, every religion has some people like them.
they works just for destroy their religious reputation .

so dont judge the islam by this people. judge that people according to islam, judge that are they on right or wrong way?

islam says ''if any people kill an innocent as if he kill a innocent nation
and a people who saves a innocent as if he saves a nation"