in #life7 years ago


What level of life can man ever attain and he'll decide that he wants nothing more in life?

I'm actually trying to answer that question and I really can't give a reasonable answer. I tried asking a few people at work and these were their thoughts.

Mrs James's thought: 

That level would never come because you would always want something, always.  

Mr Maja's thought:

That level is the time the person dies or if the person's brain has gone on exile. 

From the answers they have given, 80 percent of us would agree with me that man is insatiable. When you feel that you'll want or need no more if you had something, it'll surprise you that, as soon as you achieve that thing, your mind / brain would start thinking of the next level to move to after that level you've attained. And this brings me to the topic of today which is more like an analysis of these three factors: contentment, greed and Insatiablity. 


Most people mistake being greedy and being insatiable a lot of times while some just feel they're related in some kind of way. If you're one of those people who think these two factors are related, I'll like to read your views in the comment section. 

As for me, I think being greedy has to do with wanting everything at the detriment of other people or wanting everything all for yourself alone without allowing others to benefit from you. A good example is what we are going through in our country today. Our leaders wants to have everything not considering how it's going to affect the masses. Most of the problems we face in this country is as a result of one person's greed. It is not an inborn trait. It is a learnt trait just like every other bad traits like lying, stealing and so on. 

However, being insatiable is an innate trait that makes humans long for higher or better levels or things despite what they have at the moment. Being insatiable doesn't have to do with bringing down your neighbor to achieve what you want. It is simply an unquenchable urge that every human has. A good example is the reason why most of us are on steemit even though we still have real jobs. 


Meanwhile, contentment in my own view is the balance between being insatiable and being greedy. If you think otherwise, let's read your view in the comment section. 

Sometimes, I ask myself "why does God tell us to be content when He knows we humans are insatiable?" I'll appreciate your answers to this question as well in the comment section. Thank you.


Happy that your writing has improved a great deal. Keep fighting. Slow and steady win the race.


Thanks a lot boss. 😊