Be prepared for the worst

in #life7 years ago


Seems like the world is going towards a one world currency. The US dollar is on the verge of being rejected by all the other countries and crashing.

This is super scary considering i live within the United States. What do we do? We can only try to be prepared. We have to assume the worst for when it crashes.

We should plan to be staying in place.

You should have:

  • WATER <-- most important
  • FOOD
  • A PLAN

No matter how big or strong you are you NEED WATER to survive. You need around 2 quarts to 1 gallon of water per person per day to be healthy. You could make due with less depending on weather and what activites you are doing, but not recommended.
Water can get expensive in a crises. Most people don't even have 5 gallons of water stored at home. 20+ gallons seems like a good number to have incase you have to bug in.
DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR PETS. They need water also.

Food is a tricky one. You want food that will last on a shelf. You want it to be some what good for you and also needing a small amout of water to cook with, hopefully none if you have a short water supply. I would go for high protein items, such as peanut butter, can goods, a pound of salt, a pound of sugar, sardines in olive oil, tuna in oil, 10lbs rice, 10lbs beans. EAT YOUR FROZEN FOODS FIRST. If the power happens to go out for an extended time your freezer and fridge foods will go bad the fastest, eat those first.

Fire! You need a source of fire and light. You need candles for light. Candles are pretty inexpensive. A bic lighter is cheap. Matches are usually free if you ask at a gas station. Flashlights are good too. Batteries get expensive and flashlights will not work without batteries. Plus, if there is no electricity then there will be no way to recharge the rechargable batteries.

Have medicine that you would usually have. Plus some you don't use very often. You probably have headache, fever, tummy ache medicine. Most medicine you need for an infection would be from a doctor. There might not be doctors to go to. If there is not running water you cannot use the toilet. You need to try to be as clean and healthy as you can be. Don't poop where you eat, that goes both ways.

If you are against harming others or your religion prevents you from protecting yourself, THAT'S OK! Use your smarts. Try to avoid a conflict with someone hostile.
Otherwise, have a way to protect yourself. A gun, a knife, pepper spray, and your very own hands.
The best way is to try to avoid bad situations. They will happen, try your best to think during it.

Impossible to predict what will happen or when it will occur. Do your research. Plan ahead. Go with your gut.

-Kevin B


Shit man, this sounds serious enjoy the best but be prepared for the worst case scenarios...

I live within 1000 feet of a creek that has water in it right now even in August. So water is no issue. My parents have a small 10 acre farm but actually getting the ground ready to plant can be extensive with no gasoline based equipment. Hunting is good here year round though not sure it would last if everyone was starving. Stuff I have thought about many times for my family.

Are you announcing some sort of Armagedon?

you can never know what will happen nowadays. so true. everything is just out of order.