in #life7 years ago (edited)

There's beauty in your name !

Our names, our identities, our lives !

Have you ever paused to think about why people call you that name you've always responded to all this your life ?

This truth dawned on me on the 2nd of January this new year. It struck me with such an awe too wonderful for me to put into words.
Name is an entity attached to something for the purpose of self-recognition, the values it embodies and the strong meaning it convenes.
In truth we may trivialise this, but it stands as the most prominent thing we're tied to as long as we live. It's very surprising and beautiful that most of us already have special and unique names but we've failed to attribute the true meanings each name can bring into our lives.

We name our kids and people also call us by those names we've been named by our parents and so everything in our lives revolves around the names we're being called.

Knowing the meaning of your name can change and transform your life completely. It can even help you to sustain the change as long as you live.

And this knowledge of course... _has changed mine already _. I can tell you since I gained this new insight, everything virtually about me has become new...absolutely new and that's why I'm sharing this with you.

I would like you to join me in the next few weeks as we're gonna dig deep into the meaning of our names, the uniqueness each name symbolizes , the purpose and the drive it can give to our goals in life.

I'm creating this as a means we can explore in redefining ourselves in a better way and to live out the most hidden truth of life. In our world today, I believe we can change our perspectives and others too in the way we view people calling our names and the message it convenes.

Today let's discuss the following names...

  • Mathew
  • Tobias/Toby
  • Mark
  • Kingsley
  • Christine/Kristine
  • Smith

Now let's go....


NAME ORIGIN - Matityaha (Hebrew word)
GENDER- masculine
MEANING - gift of Yahweh.

In Greek term- (Maltathias/Matthaios)
In Latin- Mattaeus
in English - Mathew

This name convenes a wonderful meaning to the world as the the people who bears the name stand as the divine gift to everyone around them and the entire world

Hey Mathews, you already possess everything you need to be a blessing to the world, it's in you. It's time to bring positive change into the world.


NAME ORIGIN- a Greek version of the Hebrew biblical name "Toviyah"
GENDER - Masculine
MEANING - " The goodness of God"

In Spanish - Tobias
In French - Tobie
In Italian- Tobia
In polish - Tobiasz
In English - Toby

...such an amazing revelation of the name which can bring joy and restore hope to those that are struggling and living without a purpose in life


NAME ORIGIN - Old Latin " mart -kos"
GENDER- Masculine
MEANING - consecrated to the god of Mars and it may also mean "God of war " or to be warlike.

Here's the good news for the Marks and Marcus...

You can choose to shout a battle cry against the war of oppression, poverty and dearth of hope that have ravaged the world. Really you've got something great to offer the world


NAME ORIGIN - Old English (king's meadow)
GENDER- masculine
MEANING - From the king's meadow or king's wood.

what a noble name! You've got to live it out in supporting only noble course and to bring real positive impacts to the world.


NAME ORIGIN- Greek word "Christos" which is equivalent to the Hebrew term (messiah) translated into "annointed"
GENDER- Mainly feminine
MEANING- Follower of Christ

...What a nice impression this name creates... Following the light, the truth and life.


NAME ORIGIN- old English term "smitan"
GENDER- masculine
MEANING - to smite; a name first adopted by the metal-workers (blacksmith, goldsmith,whitesmith, brownsmith, silversmith... e.t.c.)

And this is the most striking thing about the name...

and it lies in the great significance of the profession of the early adopters of the name (the metal workers). They specialize in refining impure substances, removing the dross to make it pure thereby improving both the physical and chemical properties.
And that's the beauty of the name. It exudes rare creativity and the passion to make beauty out of mess.

I would like stop right here today.... To be continued...

Thanks for reading. I hope you will explore this new-found truth to bring out the best in you and everyone around you.

Know your name. It really does carries POWER!


I love looking up the meaning of names. My name "Peter William" has an interesting combination of meanings. Peter means "stone" while William means "protector" or "will". So essentially, I'm a willing, rock solid protector!

Great post here @skymath01! I'd love to hear your thoughts about my recent post: These Three Words Will Instantly Change How You Perceive Your Life

Thanks. You've got two wonderful names!
Our names really convene some uniqueness about who we are .

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

- Winston Churchill