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RE: Common Threads: Tell us the story of your favorite Chance Encounter.

in #life8 years ago

Hi joshua-pace, I am very flattered to be mentioned in your post! I am actually a very slow and hence non-prolific writer and am still trying to find my narrative. Often, I find it easier to comment on other people's post than to write my own posts, so I am really looking forward to the development of Common Threads. I think Common Threads has the potential to spark a lot of thought-provoking discussions on Steemit!

Regarding Chance Encounters, I think my favorite chance encounter is with my kids. My kids used to ask me, "Mom, why did you have us?" and my answer was "Because Daddy and I wanted to meet you!" After all, the typical male produces 525 billion sperm during his lifetime, and the average woman ovulates about 500 eggs during her lifetime, so the chance of that lucky sperm meeting with that particular egg is incredibly small And my life is certainly much more interesting since meeting my kids, so that's why I pick them as my favorite chance encounter!


I absolutely love your creativity regarding the "chance encounter"! :) I suspect your children feel they were lucky to have met you, too. You may not be very prolific at the moment, but you're a fantastic writer so I will anxiously await your voice whenever and wherever you find it! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support of Common Threads :) I hope to hear more from you here! Best

Thank you for the encouragement regarding my writing!