Lab-Grown Meat Without The Need For Live Animals - The Future Of Food ?!

in #life7 years ago

The world population is growing at a rapid pace - and our hunger for meat is never satisfied as well.

Almost HALF of the total harvest of the world is being fed to livestock!

Meat production requires a very high energetic footprint - it takes 75 times more energy and water to produce meat than corn. Additionally, the area of vegetation needed to produce the necessary food for the cattle and livestock in Europe is 7 times bigger than the area of the EU itself.
Within the next few decades, we can't continue with this lifestyle - it will have extremely destructive consequences not only on humanity, but also animals and energetic resources.

That's where Lab-Grown meat comes in - it offers a solution to all of these problems!

The meat is real meat - just without the need of keeping and slaughtering live animals.
Lab-Grown meat is sustainably farmed from animal stem cells, and is supposed to taste like any other "regular" meat.

Memphis Meats

Amongst others, the company Memphis Meats creates this type of "clean meat" (also called synthetic meat, cultured meat or in vitro meat), a new approach to sustainable meat and potentially even the future of food.
They have currently managed to create lab-grown meatballs, chicken and duck.
Memphis meats is even supported by famous Investors and Billionaires like Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, who have just donated a staggering amount of $17 million to the startup.

There are significant problems with the way meat is currently produced – environmental degradation, the slaughtering of billions of animals annually and health issues from bacterial contamination.
By growing meat from animal cells we believe we can significantly improve upon all of these issues. We expect our products to require up to 90% less environmental inputs, to have a much lower risk of bacterial contamination, and to entirely detach animal slaughter from the meat production process.
We want to give people the ability to continue to eat the meat they’ve always loved, without the negative impacts on the planet, the body and the animals.

How does this lab-grown meat work?

First, researchers take tiny meat cells from an animal, for example through a sample or with a painless biopsy.
Then they identify cells which are capable of self-renewal, which means that they don't need to return to animals for subsequent samples once the initial stem cells are obtained.
They know exactly which types of cells are needed to achieve the specific flavour, aroma and textures they're looking for.
Next, these cells are enriched with nutrients which help the cells grow and turn them into "real", edible meat.
And finally, after around 4-6 weeks of lab-growing, the meat can be harvested.
“Our goal is to entirely remove the animal from the meat production process.”, says CEO Uma Valeti.

Our meat is delicious! It’s real meat, and life-long meat-eaters immediately recognize it
and enjoy it. The way we make meat is an improvement in a few important ways. First, we expect our process
to require less than a tenth of the land and water and less than half of the energy that it takes to produce
conventional meat. Second, our goal is to produce meat without using animals to address some of the animal
welfare issues of current meat production. Third, we believe our meat is safer. We’ve all read about food
borne illnesses coming from conventional meat, and our process reduces that risk dramatically.

Other examples of lab-grown animal products

Memphis Meats certainly isn't the only company looking into the potential of creating lab-grown animal products.
Startups like FutureMeat and SuperMeat are all aiming to create an alternative for the conventional way we produce meat.

And this field of research isn't even limited to meat only - Finless Foods for example is a startup that aims to create lab-grown fish from stem cells.

The cells are also growing in a "brewery-like environment”, and have already succeeded in accumulating a stable fish cell culture and getting the cells to divide in the bioreactor.


Clean meat offers the delicious and nutritious treats - all while being produced by scientists only.
It offers a solution to the growing problem of feeding the world population, and fighting animal slaughtering. This way, it might even be a possible alternative for vegetarians and vegans whose priority are animals.

What's your opinion about this lab-grown, "clean" meat?

Do you think it offers a real alternative for the future of meat, and maybe even the future of food in general ?

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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© Sirwinchester


Eat eat 🍝🍗☕ So i used to work in a restaurant part time for 3years during my college days and boy the food they wasted.

Im unsure and cant comment on the lab grown meat or how safe it'd be for consumption(research technology is promising); but if we not waste what we already have, we'd have more than enough to feed everybody.

Thank you for your comment, this is soooo true! food waste is a huge problem and I can't understand why we're not fighting against it more.

People think everything is in abundance. 2 people come to eat and order food as if 8 people are in the table. I think all restaurants should place a sign 'no waste food, order only what you can eat, if you waste you will have to pay extra'. I have seen it in couple restaurants in Singapore, but cant recall which ones.

Probably a good idea.

I prefer to go vegetarian

The Future Expansion begins with this! Unfortunately, humans need this to overcome the population growth problem, so we can take over other planets.

Great post @sirwinchester . I actually donated 10$ (yeah not much I know) to their Indiegogo campaign. I believe that pushing for lab grown meat will have a big positive effect on so many levels. 1. Access to food to everyone in an age of population growth and increased density of living in urban areas. 2. Reducing deforestation as so much of the destruction of forests is in order to prepare land for cattle. 3. More moral with regards to reducing unnecessary suffering of animals (not that I'm an animal right's activist or vegan, but I do think industrialized food production causes too much animal pain and suffering. So happy to support all of these developments, and hope to have a lab -grown Burger on the menu somewhere close soon ^^

Just remember to exercise it...

Better off Ted

yo as long as its healthy I dont care lol if its going to F up my body though count me out. It very well could be healthier then eating live animals and well... I guess if you vegan you could eat it? hhmm

I will give it a bite when available

Hi to Everybody! Mr @SirWinchester... hope you are fine too! Cool post and a little quote in here, I started in a natural way, two month ago to eat no more meat... Just couldn't, it was not forced, was natural and my body just asked for it. I think that we, all, (you, me and he and she are descendents from different alien races) and some have a blood, some others other, One kind of body, etc, etc..and some needs meat and others not. More than a cultural matter I think is genetical... By the way if I can choose, I could like not to eat meat... but somethings escapes from us. And nowadays Y back to eat meat again... No guilt, no nothing, not even think it's wrong. Just a sense...

Interesting! Thanks for sharing your views. Yes I agree with you, sometimes it's just a natural urge not to eat meat because our body doesn't really need it

Yes it is the future of meat. More greenhouse gases are released by the meat industry than are released from energy. Couple that with the fact that a pound of beef requires thousands of gallons of water along with a huge amount of land means that we will ultimately move away from the traditional meat methods. With stem cells production, there is no reason for range cows.

It can't be worse than Taco Bell meat...