Saws, Prostitutes and a Rainbow Bridge
Everything is connected.
The degrees of separation into the myriad things are an illusion. All matter regardless of it's physical make up share a common source origin from among the stars. This extends to living beings as well because everything about us is made up of matter even our thoughts are made up of the same material that formed stars and planets. We are energy. We are light. We are creation.
Consider one of the oldest and historically reliable professions.
No not prostitution.
I'm taking about carpentry and the most basic tool used in carpentry is the wood chisel which is a flat metal wedge usually made of steel. This strong and sharp instrument is very effective in shaping wood one stroke at a time. Everything else a carpenter or wood worker uses is just a variation of the chisel.

The teeth of a circular saw blade are just rotating chisels and the resulting variations are a craftsman being able to transform a piece of wood into anything with enough skill and understanding.All things share a common source and have a place on a spectrum of sorts.

Imagine a rainbow made up of many colors with gradients so subtle that adjacent colors are almost indistinguishable but if you take in the entire spectrum there are stark contrasts. It is the same for creation. Humans are at a certain point of creation's spectrum where we have more in common with plants and animals than rocks, which would probably have a different hue all together, but we still share the common root of energy.
Energy makes up all things and like the chisel it allows for myriad expressions of creation.
Thanks for reading!
Saw image source:
Color Gradient source: