Procrastinator Alert: Don't bookmark it as read later list.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Procrastinator Alert: Don't bookmark it as read later list.


Do you procrastinate eating after boring lectures?

Do you run to work escaping the most wonderful party even when it's not necessary?

Do you procrastinate meeting with your loved ones when you're missing them the most?

I guess, it's no. Big NO!

Do you know why?

I guess, it's NO. Small no!

Procrastination is the game of the brain. Game that is played to be happier which ends up making you cry.

(Want explanation ?)


I know we all have been worried about our weight, atleast at one stage of our life. And realized that we are a excessive eater rather than a metabolism disorder, or health problem freak. That our relationship with food decides mood. Yes, we had/have a food mood.
Food makes us happy, and our brain rejects any other commands that could complicate our relationship with tasty food. That is striving for happiness.
In this striving we've realized that we weigh little more than yesterday, and it is a sadness created in the search of happiness.

Our brain is designed to protect us, and give us the ultimate pleasure of the moment.
It refrain us from anything that could create stress, or momentary discomfort.
That is our relation with Procrastination . And yes, I am not the only one who procrastinates. It's is you, me and everyone. Everyone procrastinates at some extents.

Here's how you fight procrastination : Fighting Procrastination Together

Reverse I'll do it later, and take a break now to I'll do it now, and take a break later

Watch a YouTube video related to the subject before you set up for reading. It helps our brain decide that we are not stressing.

Ask yourself if you're doing things right.

Remind yourself that if you procrastinate now, you'll regret later.

Stay away from everything that makes you procrastinate.

Regretting, and being sad for procrastination make things worst. ( So, don't)

Every time you procrastinate say '10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, start working' to yourself.

Don't always sit. Sitting increases the procrastination rate.

Meditate, start working.

Procrastination is the chronic illness. More you suffer, more you stay dead in the bed.