if you write it they will come...

in #life7 years ago

Or maybe not!

my goal was always to give real value and perspective with anything i posted online...however, this is not the norm.

the norm is(the normies) to just share yourself, post any and every little thing so the big companies can have their good data, the stalkers can have their pieces of info and your "friends" if you have left any, will be able to envy or love your life...

is this really what we want to live like?

oh and when you have no time for SM, just let a bot post it for ya! all the time! let's drown content and keep the fluff!

censor is not just deleting an account like infowars or other large channels...it's the drowning out of useful content!

and that made me passive here and on FB and on YT...before i made a professional page.

actually, oddly enough my 4year-dead website with my life blogs about my realisations still gets more views and click than any other places combined! it's a dead website and peeps still go to it!

so you know what? let's do this shit! i'm gonna do the same...join them to beat them! prepare for a bunch on one-liners and fluffy stuff!