Quotes, Interpretations & Thoughts

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Very often I find myself coming across some really interesting quotes, be it while I am reading a book, searching the internet or watching a documentary.

Even though when you google the word 'quotes' you will end up with a huge number of quotes and/or special websites dedicated on them, not all of them are accurate or quality ones...

Having that said , as I mentioned at the beginning I love reading interesting quotes that challenge my way of thinking or refer to something that I believe.
When the 2nd happens it works as a confirmation for my beliefs, while in the first occasion they are offering a great space for changing my perception on something and grow my self better.

So today I came up with the idea to start sharing with you some of my favorite quotes along with the meaning they have for me.
As not all people are thinking in the same way, many of you may have a different interpretation on a quote. I welcome all the different opinions as an opportunity for further growth, and I hope my thoughts will be offering the same to you.

The quote I'd like to start with today is one I came across while I was watching a great documentary called "E-motion".
I will not be sharing a link to the documentary because it's not a free one to watch and I don't want anyone to think that I operate as an affiliate. If anyone is interested feel free to search for it.

So without any further delay let me share today's quote:

People have given their health to their doctor, their money to their banker, their soul to the preacher, their children to the school system, and in doing so... have lost the power to control their lives.

Rolling Thunder

I believe that with the three lines above we get an accurate description of the modern society and the system we are living in. This system is designed to produce good, obedient pawns that have the illusion of freedom of choice...

image source

We depend our health on what the doctors will say - and that's only after we get sick.
We play the financial game with the terms of the banks (of course being on steemit, already takes you out of this equation).
We are born to believe in a religion where the priests define what is right and what is wrong (and of course our religion is the only truth!).
We get educated only on what the governments consider important (primary and secondary education).

All the above are creating humans that do not accept the responsibility of the outcomes in their lives...
It's the doctors fault/they never taught me this or that/the system does not let me do this or that, etc...

The truth is though that nowadays, whoever wants to get out of this system's "game", there are myriads of sources and information on how to take charge of your own life and be totally responsible for your outcomes.

I believe that the blockhain technology and cryptocurrencies are offering a unique opportunity for humanity to disengage from the monetary game the governments are playing with their central banks and hopefully this will have a positive domino effect on the other areas too.

For me the most important of the above is how we lost the responsibility of our own health... Even though western medicine has made enormous steps forward the last 100 years and have discovered many cures and methods for creating better health, in the same time it has become so dependent on the pharmaceutical corporations...
The majority of the medical schools are teaching new doctors mostly on the symptoms of a disease and on which chemical medicine should be prescribed in each occasion...

I believe that we as individuals should feel and become more responsible about our health.
What we eat, what we drink and what we think has a major impact on our health. How much exercise we put in our lives as well as how much we rest and relax are also crucial. Do we listen to our bodies when they send us messages that something is wrong?
Fever, headache and other small symptoms are the way our body is trying to tell us that something is going wrong, but instead of listening to it we take a pill to cover the headache in 30 minutes, thinking that the problem is solved...

I am sorry to disappoint you but the problem is still there, you just covered its symptoms...
Symptoms are the way your body is trying to communicate with you, but you shut it off!
The next time the headache is back you take another pill, and the next time another one...
And suddenly one day you wake up with a bigger problem which you cannot just take a pill and cover it...

I will stop here, with the hope that my point of view has given some food for thought...

There are doctors that can help heal the cause of the symptoms, we only need to make a research on the subject...

Please take more care of your selves, be more conscious with your thoughts and habits and learn to listen to your body!

We create our own reality every second!

Thank you for reading, I am looking forward to your thoughts in the comments.


It's not the technology that will set us free, but our mindset. Everything else follows.

Exactly! :)

That is the truth

You got a 5.13% upvote from @bearwards courtesy of @shimster!