in #life7 years ago

It has been my concern all years when i moves on some streets in uganda and i tend to see a certain class of people along side the roads,
this is most so serious in low developed countries,and i also dont know why , well helping the needy is not bad , that is the one of the best thing some one can offer to others ,which is oky,
but does it mean those who are disabled will totally become idle and do nothing great for their lives , for me i think no,let those who use that chance of being disabled as the only to servive that that is not a good reasoning , can they also start hustling and also working hard because the world is moving at a very high speed.

A few months before i got challenged when i saw a disabled man trying to promote his music career , we it was unbelievable but it was the fact ,
He had gathered a good number of people and singing for them inorder to get some money to sustain him, that act was so inspiring to many people , and it could even teach a lesson to a big number of people.


some times wounder how people think , because this has become has excuse for not working for your self but instead wait to be helped. i dislike that idea of sitting along side roads and begging for some little money even those who dont have any complications.
All wat the disabled should do is to belive in them selves that they can start up some thing small though they are disabled.



Great post !!

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