I Have A Dream
Here’s yet another meme on Street Children Series. Every child on the street has a dream. A dream to live a life of dignity. Let's not let that dream die off. Let's give our street children a chance to earn their bread and not beg for it.
Support our baby steps to build an ecosystem that builds a more secure future for our impoverished street children.
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My all followers please resteemed this post
I will restreemed this now
Thanks @ratul8940. Full 100% upvote for you :)
Welcome for upvote me @sharonomics
wow really nice one
i can say new things like steemit can help many creative people that right now dont have noting to eat
Thanks Val for the comment and resteem. If people like you come out to help, the world soon will be changed place.
i think you have grate project here helping people from steemit and worldwide
and you are surround of good people that means that your frequency its healing one .
sure we all together can make things little different every time and leave a better work for the childrens
I always read your post sharon and I always support you.You are doing a great job, keep it up.I upvote you and resteemed it.
Thanks nahid85 for commenting upvoting and resteeming. I upvoted you 100%
Hi,sharon.Recently,I am read your post and upvoting your post.You are really a good person.I think,Everybody should help street children.I share your post on my Facebook wallet and I also told all my friends to share this.Now,I am resteem your poat.
Thanks @bestroni2017 for commenting and restreeming. You got my full 100% upvote ($1.14). Enjoy my upvotes and keep supporting the cause of the impoverished.
I am always support you.What is the reason not to do any post two days,Sharon??
I think I mentioned in my last post that I was traveling.
Yes, we missed you buddy.
I will vpvote & restreemed this post
Thanks for the upvote and resteem @max1994. I upvoted you 100%.
Welcome brother
Good humanitarian post An inspiration to others to think of others too & to be selfless in our lives I resteemed & shared on Twitter & linked in
Thanks @ellengwens. Every resteem with comment gets 100% upvote. I have another humanitarian post coming soon.
I always read your post @ sharonomics and I always support you.
I will restreemed this post
@rahul72 thanks. My 100% upvote for you :)

Martin Luther King of the future. Upvoted and resteemed. :D
I also upvoted and resteemed it,rahem.
Well said :)
I am always with you my friend go ahead i have already resteemed your post and upvotted comment are done i also have share this post to my fb and Twitter account please my all steemian friends support him and make him help the street children to earn their daily bread.
Let me know when you're posting next content then i can be prepare to share and comment on them best wishes..✌✌✌
@jhlimon007 thanks for commenting and restreeming. You deserve a full 100% upvote. I was traveling so did not post for the last couple of days, but my next is getting ready to published either a few hours from now, or early tomorrow morning GMT. Thanks again :)
Oh was waiting hardly for your post but i could not recognize why didn't you have posted in steemit but now i have understand that you was traveling very good travelling is a very good thing it refreshed our body and minds by the way thank you for answering my comment i am waiting for your next post and never ever give up i am with you all time all day long love you my friend love you a lot wish best wishes have a safe journey...✌✌✌
To expect everyone to be able to earn their bread seems very selfish of human society to me. Personally, I feel every human on this planet should be assured ample resources to meet his / her survival needs. What's the purpose of a community or why humans are called social then!
In fact you should run an opposite campaign ...for asking to give graciously to everyone.
O my you made me so happy. I was looking for somebody who would criticize my radical thinking. You are the only one I am upvoting 100% without having to resteem the post. Please reward me with more rational criticism. A still more radical thinking coming very shortly. So stay tuned just for few minutes for more selfishly humane philosophy that refuses to commit that very crime of giving graciously, which incentivizes our children's habitation on the streets. Thanks and hope to see you soon :)