in #life6 years ago

Over the last few weeks, I have been immersed in an 8 week Study entitled "If God Made the Universe" produced by an organization made up of Scientists called "Reasons to Believe". The outline for the study focuses on the following questions?

  1. Why is it so Vast?
  2. Why is it so Old?
  3. Why is it so Dark?
  4. Why is there an Earth?
  5. Why So Much for So Little?
  6. Why is it Decaying?
  7. Why Isn't it Perfect Now?
  8. What will God Make Next?

Closing with the question: What Does All This say about God?

I don't intend to share with you all that I learned from this very important teaching, however I am writing on my site again after a very long absence, because I feel I need to become more active in helping others wherever possible - you see while we are here on earth, there will be times of trial and suffering but what we learn from these times we need to pass along to others - there is a purpose!

In thinking about how best to do this, I remembered how my own life was in disarray for many years but when I reached the tender age of 40 - things took a turn.

For some 5 years or so I was in a habitual state of SEEKING! Seeking what you might ask. ANSWERS!

In looking back to that time - I remember struggling with issues in my life - issues I feel many in our society are also struggling with. My husband and I are retired pastors yet we are often involved in Ministry to the less fortunate. In a recent discussion with new friends as to why these folk don't seem to be able to climb out of their situation - we were reminded that the same issues I faced those 25 years ago - they too are facing but somehow they are caught and don't seem able to escape. Their lives just continue to go from bad to worse.

There are many ways we seek for answers. Mine included such things as - self-help books and tapes, transendental meditation (you know when you lie on the floor with a room full of perfect strangers and hum), indepth astrological horoscope readings, the study of reincarnation and of course, the more common ways involving mind altering drugs and alcohol.

BUT - I was seeking and that is where I believe my help came from. All through this process of trial and error, I would find relief for a short time in each of these adventures, however, the operative term here is - short term.

So what are some of the issues that led me to this journey?

  • depression
  • marital problems
  • business failure
  • loneliness
  • loss and grief
  • guilt
  • fear
  • addictions
  • anxiety
  • hopelessness

There are other issues that I didn't face that I see inherent in so many of those we are trying to help such as:

  • poverty
  • homelessness
  • lack of self control
  • victims of abuse

but, I believe with all my heart, the answers I found are available to everyone, no matter how dire their circumstances seem to be.

The first step is SEEKING for answers. When we stop seeking and move into the world of acceptance of our situation, our future will continue to be much like our present.

What I'd like to do for the next few articles is to look at each of these issues from my own personal experience with a hope of making a difference in the lives of others caught in the trap of despair.

I will begin next time - looking at LONELINESS. I hope that - if this is a problem for you, you will tune in.
