in #life7 years ago


COMPLICATED - REALLY!! - Lesson Learned

After having heard the newest "buzz word "COMPLICATED" - everywhere I go, I decided to do a little research into just what IS complicated and what is NOT!

Dictionary meaning: not easy to solve; intricate; involved; confused; difficult to analyze, unravel, understand and explain; to make complex or difficult

In thinking about things that are truly COMPLICATED, I've come up with just a few examples that I think most of us would agree upon. Later on we'll look at things that are being classified as complicated but would be much better described using different words. But first to the truly COMPLICATED:

THE UNIVERSE: (Imagine if you had to create it!)

COMPUTERS: (Imagine if you had to create it)

US TAX CODE Wow talk about complicated!

CROCHET PATTERNS: (as one who crochets, this pattern is complicated)

MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS: (of course, common core seems to be making the simplest 25 + 13 complicated) haha

WATCH MECHANISMS: (could you put one together?)

ENGINEERING FEATS: (I love engineers - they're so great with the complicated)

Now to the question:


Do you remember a time (not so very long ago) when you might be asked a question about your lifestyle - your choices - your feelings - your mistakes.... you would not have used the term "It's complicated".

Perhaps I can provide some synonyms that might better explain the situation: embarrassing, humiliating, unethical, unmentionable, improper, indecent, immoral, shameful, sinful.... I ask you to take a minute every time you hear this word used (that is complicated) - would one these synonyms be a truer fit!

I know if when I look back over my own life, there were many times when the term "complicated" would have been an easy out - a way to avoid discussing my true feelings, my poor choices, my inappropriate lifestyle, my shameful situation. But, you know what? Being put into a position of having to truly consider my answer vs using the easy out "complicated" helped me to deal with whatever the situation I was caught up in and make the changes necessary.

I was also turned around in my thinking by the study of God's Word. There isn't one time the word "complicated" is found. Why? Because God didn't make things complicated for us. He gave us instructions that if followed He would bless us but if we did not obey we would pay a heavy price. Since learning this lesson - I have been faithful in my obedience and God hasn't failed me yet.

So. Lesson Learned. "Complicated" is a word best saved for what is truly complicated.