in #life6 years ago

Hoping your New Year will bring you a bit of cheer combined with "LESSONS LEARNED". As is my practice each January 1 - I make a commitment to read through God's Word in it's entirety in the coming year. As I considered this goal this year - I was drawn to a 52 Week Bible Reading Plan that provides a unique approach to this challenge. Each day of the week I will be focusing on one of the following sections - History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, Epistles, and The Law. There is a guide provided to help me with which chapters in each section I should read for each day.

Next - I decided that as I read my daily passage - I will endeavour to come away with one of the following: - a truth I had perhaps missed in the past and/or a verse that deserves memorizing. Last night as I was considering how best to share my love for the Word of God with others, I decided to begin posting my findings on Steemit - once per day.

You will notice that I'm behind already because it's now the 13th of January and I'm just getting started. Therefore I will share my finding for 2 days (beginning with January 1st) every day until I'm caught up. I suppose perhaps I could just forget about those first 12 days BUT I don't believe God wants you to miss out on anything He has so graciously shown me over these past few days.

So let's begin with the January 1st passage found in the History Section - Joshua Chapters 1 to 5.

First - In these chapters Joshua is commissioned to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness - why? - because they had turned away from God to Idols. The good news - God is faithful to his promises and now they were being given a fresh start. This rang so true to me. At the age of 40 after wandering in my own wilderness - God gave me a fresh start - I entered the promised land of eternal life.

Second - A verse worth remembering "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to o everything written in it" Joshua 1:8

NEXT - we move to the January 2nd passage found in the Psalms Section - Psalm 1 & 2.

First - Here we are reminded of the final outcome for sinners and the righteous and to beware of rejecting Jesus. If you wonder what the difference is - please read and be aware.

Second - For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous BUT the way of the wicked will perish" Psalm 1:6 This verse is a wonderful reminder that we have someone who promises to watch over us when we are in a right relationship with him.

Thanks for visiting my post - hope to see you again tomorrow for my perspective on Job 1-2 and Isaiah 1-6. You might even like to read these passages yourself. The Lord's Prayer.jpg