Passion, the key to a happier life

in #life7 years ago

Everyone tells you that a meaningful life is the key for a happier life. I couldn’t agree more. Everyone clarifies the importance of being able to follow our calling and our heart. I couldn’t agree more but finding our purpose in life is presented as if it were a simple task. Well unless we are gifted from the Gods and know since the age of five that we are a Da Vinci or Beethoven, a natural skier or a super talented singer, things aren’t so easy for the rest of us. But do not get intimidated so quickly by this revelation because it is actually good news!

Follow your passion is an empty advice, a non sense. Life is a treasure hunt. Passion is not something you stumble on, or something you find accidentally. Passion is cultivated and the more you cultivate it the better a craftsman in your field you become.


When I first realized that I wasnt gifted with a special talent and therefore I was not naturally good at anything, I thought that God was bad and I no longer wished to love Him, like a spoilt little girl who was not given her Christmas present. I was shocked and angry. «It wasn’t my fault. That is who I am and that is all I can do » my inner voice shouted submitting sufficient justifications for my restrictions.
And you know what ? It was right, as far as my achievements were concerned,
( since we are always good enough as human beings) because I used to down grade my talents, my abilities in order to fit in an effortless way of completing things out of laziness and lack of self love. Better downgrade than upgrade convictions and effort. It is so much more relaxing. It is easier and that is why I was quite content to be good at something but never excellent since I was lazy to make the extra effort that is necessary in order to explore my potential.

A mediocre effort and mediocre aspirations will bring a mediocre way of life .
Everything reflects the inner state with which we exprience it. Whatever we do is simply the expression of who we are at that moment.
Think of what you do every day, from taking a shower to baking a cake or being with your lover. How conscious are you? how willing to excel? to give out your best? How much respect, will, love you put into it?
The point is, we do not give our best self or even if we do, we are not the best version of our self.

By becoming a better version of ourselves, we will perform better in everything we do, not just in one thing.

Put passion in everything you do and you’ll find your passion. Develop passion and you’ll find what you love , what is your calling because passion creates passion. Passion is something you cultivate, you water every day, every minute and it arises from the attention you give to someone or something, from the long hours you put into it, from the focus and the respect.

Think of someone you meet one night and you like him/her. Your heart is pounding. You are enthusiastic and in love but if you do not see him again enthusiasm will go away, so will love and very soon you will forget about him/her, right ? The present was offered, synchronicity arranged the meeting but a passionate love will not develop its potential if we do not put passion in it and water it.
Passion arises from the energy you put into something, the hours you devote on your self, on your vision, on your treasure hunt. Spending time on what you like and cultivate passion makes your vision reality.

Add regularity in what you do, a daily routine and you will get there! It needs a ritual. It needs a commitment, a daily exercise because the more you do things, the better you become in everything. And the better you become, the more you can achieve. It goes beyond talent. You become talented. And when you become talented you achieve talented things. Excel in something and you will excel in everything, that is what I found out. Commit yourself and try a bit harder than yesterday. On your own pace but on a daily base. And you will see every aspect of your life change.

But you have to have the will to want - the will to love. You need to want to want. Which means you must ALWAYS develop the innate state of wanting. Out of self love. That is the key, the secret of having experiences that make sense. That is the task to reach, to extract meaning and purpose from our lives. The only tool we have is our self. !! And ONLY if we have a self we can surrender it because we can always return to it.

So we are not afraid to try, to dream, to play in life but not with our life. We are free to let go of our self because we have a self to return to.
Be disciplined to pursue what you do TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. Always ask yourself with great self love: « Is that the best I can do ? » Follow your ways that embody who you truly are, trust your ability to grow to your potential and competence will meet your internal state of excellence. That is how we excel and feel happy.

By unleashing our true self rather than achieving goals, by mastering the art of being rather than being successful, by focusing on the process, not the outcome.
I can assure you the outcome will be not only successful but meaningful as well because it derives from our own curiosity and thirst, our own interest, on our own initiative.
Writing is not my talent. It is the way I express my passion for healthy relationships and a meaningful life. It is the way I found to follow my passion which is inspiring people.

That’s the key I am proposing here.

Do not try to find what you are good at, find who you are by loving yourself and focusing on the process and it’s through love and action that the talent will eventually present itself. It will be the tool you will use to express yourself.
Persistence on trying, patience, aspiration to perfection of your own skills will lead you to power.

Focus on what you do best, improve ALL your skills and abilities and use them for the enlargement of your consciousness, not your identity. You are not your tools, you use them in a passionate way so one day you will « experience yourself as tall » not just « hear others say you are tall» and you will act and express your self in a talented «tallish» way.! !


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