19 Things You Shouldn't Do on a First Date

in #life7 years ago

Dating is maybe one of the worst things in the world that we as a species have decided is an acceptable thing to do.

That being said, there are definitely people who don't know how to do it properly.

It shouldn't be that hard to act like you are a normal person on a date.

(Unsupported https://giphy.com/embed/3oKIPrMxCpMF3e8hSE)

But it is for a surprising number of people. For those people, Twitter came out to share the things you should never do on a first date.

Weirdos, take note.

via: Twitter

Wings are definitely a tricky thing to eat on a first date.

You want to stick to things that won’t get all over your face or get stuck in your teeth.

via: Twitter

While this is hilarious, it probably shouldn’t happen on a first date.

I don’t know where you’d go that could provide you that many grapes, anyway.

via: Twitter

Definitely try your best not to do this.

I don’t think that will end well for anyone involved.

via: Twitter

Is this a date or a sales pitch? Because if it’s a sales pitch, I’m out.

The next one is actually absurd.

- The story continues 1/4-

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