Good News Or Bad News - And The Difference Is?

in #life7 years ago

تنزيل (10).jpg{Ever endured} someone {offer you} bad news? {Think about} {very good news}? What's the difference or {will there be} a difference?

{Very good news} - {products} or information {which makes} us happy, content, reassured, secure and validated.

Bad {information|reports|media} - {the contrary}.

So, {any difficulty .} {there's a} difference between {bad and the good} news - {continue reading}.

Have you {ever before} gotten bad {information|reports|media} but in {the finish} things {proved} well or {much better than} you anticipated? {Perhaps you have} ever received {very good news} and {as time passes} what you thought was {very good news} {finished up} being {not} good?

From personal experience {I could} {let you know} that {I've} experienced {all} -

{Very good news} that was good.

Bad {information|reports|media} that was bad.

Good news {which i|i|that we} thought was good but {finished up} being bad.

Bad news {which i|i|that we} thought was bad and {finished up} being good.

{Puzzled|Baffled|Mixed up|Perplexed|Lost} yet? Well {I understand} that {as time passes} {I had been|I used to be|I got} often {puzzled|baffled|mixed up|perplexed|lost} about the difference between {both of these} apparent opposite {communications|text messages|emails|information|announcements}. {But} I {found that} sometimes bad {information|reports|media} {for just one} person can be {regarded as} {very good news} for {another person} and that {very good news} {to 1} person {as time passes} can be {regarded as} bad.

Confused? {I want to} explain.

{In the long run} it's just {information|reports|media} and {why is} it bad or good or even {natural} is not {the news headlines} itself but {how exactly we} perceive it, {assess|evaluate} it, {assess|examine} it or {respond|behave} because {from it|than it|of computer}.

{How do} someone {understand} bad news {nearly as good} {you may} ask? Or {the contrary}, how could someone {understand} {very good news} as bad?

In {short|quick|simple} - each {folks} has {a distinctive} history, experiences, {values} and {ideals|beliefs|principles|prices|worth} and consequently {none of them|nothing} of us {ever before} see the {ditto} or circumstance {just as}.

{A person who|Somebody who} is a worrier, negative, pessimistic or impatient might {visit a} {hold off|wait} as bad when {someone else} who understands {the idea of} there are things we can control and there are things {we can not} control {why} get all {annoyed} about something you can't control or {when you can} control it get {occupied|active}.

{In the long run} everything {that occurs} - just happens and what we do is interpret {everything} {predicated on} our {anticipations|objectives|targets|goals|prospects}, goals, needs or mindsets and {many of these} are unique {for every single|for each and every} of us.

Let me {offer you a} {handful of} personal examples. {And when|Of course, if|In case|If} you will consider {the reason} {while you} might not {experienced} {a similar} circumstances, if you will {consider it} {I'm going to be} you can {associate|connect}.

Prior to {looking} my speaking and training {profession|job} {I had been|I used to be|I got} a {nationwide|countrywide} sales {supervisor|administrator|director} for {a global} organization. Long {tale|history|account|storyline|report} but the {brief} side is {I had formed|I had developed|I had fashioned|I put|I needed} {a concern} with my {manager|employer|supervisor}, the {chief executive|leader} and {because of this|therefore} he {terminated} me. Bad {information|reports|media}, right? Well that was all I {had a need to} {determine|make a decision} it was {time for you to|time and energy to|the perfect time to|a chance to|period to} start {a profession|a job} that has lasted over 40 years and has allowed me to {start to see the} world (25 countries {up to now|currently|thus far|as of yet|at this point}) and {use} some {huge|incredible|great|remarkable|marvelous} clients and {viewers|followers|people}. So {in the long run} this bad {information|reports|media} {really was} good news.

Here's another quick one.

{Years back} I {suggested} to {my partner} and she said yes. {Very good news} right? (No judgments here please). {More than} time after doing my best for more than fifteen years I {made the decision|determined|made a decision|chose|chosen} that it was time {to get rid of} it {and just why}? Well, {with no|minus the} gruesome details, {the partnership} was {little by little|slowly but surely} eroding my self-esteem, {self-confidence|assurance|self confidence|self-assurance} and optimistic {way of thinking|attitude|mentality|state of mind|frame of mind} and I {made the decision|determined|made a decision|chose|chosen} {which i|i|that we} didn't like who {I had been|I used to be|I got} becoming {for the reason that} {romantic relationship|marriage|romance}. We parted, amicably - but we parted. {Very good news} as I {managed} - {as time passes} - to {restore|get back|gain back} all {I had formed|I had developed|I had fashioned|I put|I needed} lost - {psychologically} and spiritually.

{Most of us} have our {tales|reports|testimonies|experiences|reviews} and {most of us} can create lists of {very good news} and bad {information|reports|media} {we've} received {however in} {the finish} it's all just {information|reports|media}.

During {a few of} my {corporate and business|commercial} programs I {discuss|reveal|talk about|promote|show} this simple {idea|principle|strategy|notion|theory} - stop {requesting} your employees {once and for all} {information|reports|media} or bad {information|reports|media} - just {inquire further} for {the news headlines} and then {you select} which it is. Because their {description|explanation|classification|meaning} could be {very different} than yours.

And vice versa - as an {professional|exec} or {supervisor|administrator|director} don't {transmit} - {I've} {the right} or bad {information|reports|media} - just {inform|notify} your employees {you have} some {information|reports|media} and let {all of them} interpret it as they see fit {predicated on} their personal viewpoints, {behaviour}, mindsets, experience, {anticipations|objectives|targets|goals|prospects} and how {it could} impact them {individually|in person|privately|professionallتنزيل (12).jpgy|in my opinion}.

{I wish to} {inform you} here that I'm not {discussing} denial, surrender, {approval|popularity} or apathy - just the {determination} to {note that|observe that|notice that} {there could be} another {part|aspect|area} of {the storyplot|the storyline}, one {you could be|you may well be} {lacking|absent} because of your {background|record}, viewpoints, {views|thoughts|viewpoints|ideas}, judgments etc.

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