What Are The Best Colours To Wear For A Night Out?

in #life7 years ago

So the weekend is here and everyone is gathering together for a fun night out. But you're in your room, standing in front of your cupboard, throwing clothes behind your back because you have no idea what to wear. Have no fear! Help is near!

Here's a list of colours to help you choose your outfit appropriate to the nightly occasion:

Date night


The colour you choose to wear on your date may say a lot about you as a person, as well as give of some hefty signals. Red is usually said to be the colour of love, passion and intimacy. Sporting a red dress could give you the extra-attention you so crave. In a study conducted, male undergraduates were presented with photographs of young adult women with some wearing the colour red and others wearing green. Since they were only looking at photos, this provided the study with similar behaviours to those who would view them on a dating site. The men seemed to ask more bold questions to the women in red as compared to the standard questions asked of the women wearing green.

Girls night out


Sure it's fun to hang around in your pj's all day with your bff's, binge watching gossip girl and shamelessly stuffing your face with tacos. But what happens when the scene changes to a night out? Pink, yellow, gold are the colours to go for. In a psychological study, it states that The yellow wavelength is moderately extensive and stimulating. The right shade of yellow will lift your spirits and self-esteem; it is the colour of self-confidence and positivity. Best vibe for the girls right?



Black. Without further ado, throw on that black sleek sexy dress. Who doesn't feel sexy when they wear black, right? Black communicates sophistication and class. A study has established that wearing black makes you look more attractive, intelligent, and confident. The study charted over 1,000 people to discover which colours they most linked with certain qualities. Black was either first or second in every positive category.

So what are you waiting for?