Beyond one's comfort zone... (part 1/3)

in #life7 years ago

010_Addled Angels_Leaf Stare-1.jpg

A time came, that you get to question and doubt the things that you already planned out. What pushes someone to go beyond his or her comfort zone or just settle on the complacently of what’s there? Even though you have that drive to push for this dream, why does that something appear so close to you now, that might enable you to suddenly change your mind or confused on the things you hope on achieving.

Settling for what’s there, or settling on what your complacent for, is a poison to one’s growth. If you’re just there waiting, and waiting for that right opportunity to happen, or the right perfect situation to come true, but, what if that perfect moment that you might be waiting will come no more?...

“The moment that you are experiencing right now will never come again, to recapture this moment in any way”.- Anonymous


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