Passion: The Magic Ingredient of Success

in #life8 years ago

Life is but a fleeting shadow on the canvas of time. From the moment we are born, we are in a race with time which ends only when we die. What then, is the purpose of life, if the result is always the same, one might think.

Well, it depends on how you look at things. While some consider life as a senseless pursuit of things, others feel that it is an opportunity to leave your legacy behind, etched into the mossy stones of history.

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We all have a limited time on this planet, that much is sure. How we should use this time and on what things is up to the individual person. There are seven and a half billion of us and we are all unique.

We all have different dreams and aspirations, talents and abilities and we all want different things out of life. But how often is it that we are able to achieve what we want? 

The Secret Ingredient

To truly achieve what we want in life, we must first be brutally honest to ourselves and must realise what it is that we want in the first place. I see that there is a lot of confusion nowadays especially among the youth. That is because nowadays there are too many distractions.

We shouldn’t confuse our ‘interests’ with our ‘goals’. Personally speaking, I like singing, playing the guitar, dancing, playing cricket and a lot of other things. But my true passion lies in acquiring and sharing knowledge. I just love to read and write and get my thoughts out there and I know that this is what I need to do.

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After you have identified what your goal is in life, you need to paint a target on it and just charge at it just like a bull does at a muleta. If you are truly passionate about it, you won’t get distracted (that easily) and you will always feel a ‘need’ to complete what you started.

Even when times are rough and the going gets tough, your sheer passion will get you through it all and will act as your boat in the stormy nights of life to ensure that you reach the shore. 

And that’s why, my friends, passion is the magic ingredient of success.

Learn By Examples

I have always looked upon many great figures that have changed the world for the better in hopes that I can achieve at least a fraction of what they did. It is always motivating and keeps me going especially during those tough times. 

If you take inspiration from someone in life or have a mentor who has walked the same path as you are on right now, it will only help your passion get stronger.

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Surround yourself with like-minded people, and leave no stone unturned to learn as much as you possibly can from them. It is so much fun and fulfilling when you have companions who are on the same path as you.

They will serve the role of a catalyst in your life and nothing will be able to stop you from reaching your goal and succeeding in your life. 

Lastly, I want to finish by mentioning what Steve Jobs once said, which is something I have really taken to heart. 

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. - Steve Jobs

Lots of words of wisdom greatly appreciated. As the African proverb says, it is worth repeating three times the same thing when it is good... I was just reading another post earlier that was underlining some of the same truth. Thanks for sharing this one with us, it is in my heart. I'm following you form her on... Keep on thriving and taking good care, namaste :)

Your words always inspire motivation in me. Thanks for the support and I hope you will continue to enjoy my posts :)

Thanks for the kinds words too, it is a pleasure. Keep on Steeming! Namaste :)

true better live a passion tan a corruption!

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.
This is what people should do in the first place! I always like reading your posts because I know are great! Nice work!

Thank you!! That means a lot. Keeps me motivated :)

Thank you! Your words have left me with a feeling of hopefulness!

Great post , Upvoting and following , check my latest post , It's on a similar subject , hope to see what you think about my reasoning. Very neat , very compact , Very true :)

resteeming for you

Thank you for the kind words. Will check out your post too :)

"But my true passion lies in acquiring and sharing knowledge."

Thank you for sharing your passion with us @sauravrungta.

I am glad that I get a chance to do so! :D

Outrageus post my friend, i like the way you compose your thaughts in this text.Upvoted

Thanks for the kind words :)

Just clicked on your follow button. You have so many interesting posts! Thanks for steeming!

Thank you so much :)