Humanity - Still A Barbaric Species?
Sometimes, you just get tired. Tired of all the wrongs happening in the world, day in and day out. Tired that all of it seems like one big unending cycle. Tired that millions of lives are in constant turmoil all over the world.
I am always left with deep sorrow because of all this and I have come to question so many different things for the cause of this constant horror in the world. After mulling over the usual suspects, I arrived at a question that really made be think hard.
Could it be that we are still a barbaric species? Could it be that even after thousands upon thousands of years of evolution, we still have that part of us that likes violence?
Of course, we wouldn’t like to admit it because we are “civilized” now and live in a modern, developed society with complex political, economic and societal setup unlike any other species on the planet. But one glance at today’s world and you will definitely want to at least consider the possibility.
Are We Still Barbaric?
Whenever I watch the news these days, there are always reports of some or the other war going around in the world and countries plotting against each other and strategic moves being made, weapons being developed, propaganda being spread and tons of other stuff, all because we just can’t figure out how to get along.
If it is not on the larger scale of countries, violence is ever present even on the smaller scale, where people are murdering other people or are robbing or beating each other up. And that too for the smallest of matters.
When it is not each other that we are busy destroying, then it is the planet itself. Really, human greed, jealousy, anger have laid waste to the very planet we exist on and the situation is only getting dire. When will we realise this?
All of this (and a lot more) sometimes makes me think what an alien species would think of us if they came to visit one day and observed us for even a short period of time? Wouldn’t they come to a conclusion that we are still a barbaric species which is yet to develop intelligence?
Why Can’t We Get Along?
For the past few thousand years, humanity has been growing rapidly in terms of its scientific and technological prowess. In the last century alone we have progressed more than we ever have before.
All this technological development means that we are able to utilise the resources of planet Earth in a much more effective and efficient way, meaning there should be enough to go around for everyone. In a perfect world, that is how things would be working right now and we would all get along.
But what we see is that everyone is out there fending for themselves aggressively as if we live in a post apocalyptic world! We don’t have control over our negative emotions at all and let them be the cause of much of the violence in the world.
I am reminded of John Lennon’s “Imagine” as I write these words. I imagine a day when humanity wakes up to the fact that all our violent efforts are futile and we could all live a much better life if we could just put aside our differences and work together as one. What a beautiful world would that be!
Yes I feel the same .I have recently read a letter talking about kill a Muslim day . What Are we doing . It is the 21 century. This kind of thing should be condemned by all religions . People lets saver each life .
Really man. What is going on the world! Really leaves me in disgust sometimes.
When I was younger, I used to think that most of the people are good, and there are only a few bad apples. However, now, I know quite a few people who are extremely selfish, greedy and psycopaths. The number of narcissists keep on increasing, it seems.
That's exactly what I used to think as well!! Imagine my horror when I came to know the truth.
Our evolution is both a blessing and and a curse. We have been able to achieve things that no other animal can yet the cost is a self destructive path. At the end of the day we are just animals and will fight each other like such regardless of any evolutionary change.
Very well said! It has come at a price for sure!
There is one imperative that is common among all life on Earth: survive. It is ingrained into our core. Makes us get up every day to go to school, work, and in some cases war.
Until people get to a point where they have full security or no fear of death, they will always be willing to sacrifice morals for a bit more life. If that's what we consider barbarianism, then I'm afraid it will be a long time before that goes away.
Yes, no fear of death sorts it all!
Yes, survival instincts are engraved in all of us but it doesn't have to come at a cost of another. In fact, we ensure survival even more by working together with other people.
It depends on the situation. The concept itself should hold true from the smallest to the most extreme sense.
Could be as simple as keeping the extra dollar that was from incorrect change. Just because it's small doesn't mean it's insignificant. And how can that not be applied towards defending ones family from harm? One can justify that we are only fighting evil. People find reason to justify their actions; actions that benefit themselves. This is, in effect, finding the best way to survive for the current situation.
What you are putting forward, however, is the benefit of having foresight. I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, not everyone has this or the situation just doesn't allow enough time for it's fruition.
Nice post @sauravrungta
regarding peace. This universe is blessing but some peoples could not understand the real meanings of peace.
I definitely resteem this post 👍
Thanks! True that.
My pleasure sir @sauravrungta thanks for your reply 👍
governments are insane.
They sure are!
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Thanks for this.
They are and they always will be. Nothing changes just the form.
Posting ini keren.. follow yah.. 😃
It would indeed be a beautiful world.
Yes it would!!
I am not quite sure if we improved on humanity - sure we do care a lot more now, or we at least know about it. But doesn't knowing about it also makes us kinda do things on purpose?
I am sure that a lot of people do strive for a better world, but also some people do not really care. Maybe we just developed different ways to express our violence. Maybe we didn't change at all, maybe we just adapted to the circumstances.
You bring up some really great points that have forced me to think about it yet again. The "doing things on purpose" because now we know about it is a real eye-opener! Thanks for this wonderful comment :)
I guess it's what I learned here in Asia. For example take something simple like the trash and the garbage - in some asian villages they do not have the facilities to get rid of trash (garbage trucks, I've been looking for a long time for a trashcan even), people have been throwing it on the ground for years and they've always seen your parents doing it.
However, in more modern locations (Cities or western locations), they do have the facilities, it is clean (most of the time lol), they have services and they were raised with even advertisements to throw their stuff in the trashcan. There's a trashcan every 30 meters at least.
Then, if you still decide to throw it on the ground, it is definitely on purpose. Some people don't know any better. Some people do, and still don't care.
Oh, I am sure you must have learned a lot in Asia, especially India. LOL!! It's a different kind of world altogether where different elements of civilisation exist at the same place and time. Like, you could be at a very posh place in India and still see a cow nearby! lol
Oh, I did! A complete different world, haha! Also some things just fell into place and with other things.. well, just accept them!
Oh definitely! Those are E V E R Y W H E R E!
LOL, I am glad you are having these different experiences. Life is all about seeing what's out there and to enjoy and have fun! :D