4 Life Lessons We Can All Learn From The Movie ‘Interstellar’

in #life6 years ago


I love watching movie and I love all things ‘space’. So, you can only imagine my love for the movie ‘Interstellar’. I have probably seen it five times already and still am awed every single time that I do.

In fact, today I took time especially to watch this movie as I was feeling a little down and wanted to do something to motivate me again. What better way to do that than to watch a movie about space and time and action!

Interstellar is not just another science fiction movie though. It’s got great story, visuals, emotions, science, amazing actors and direction and so much more.

Really, this movie tugs at your heart strings in all sorts of ways! It also has a lot of life lessons that we can learn from it, and important ones at that! Let me talk about some of these.

1. We Shouldn’t Stop Exploring


The human species is an explorer species. That’s simply the reason why I am able to type these words and you are able to read them no matter where you are in the world.

If it was not for our curious minds, I wonder if our species would have lasted long. Our minds, our intelligence and the longing for more are what have made us the champions of the world.

The movie teaches us to do just that. To never stop exploring because if we do, it would be the end of us. In the movie, the main character Cooper reminisces the days when humanity wanted to explore and not “look down” towards earth only figuring out how to survive.

Though it was an apocalyptic world where survival was the main priority, he had that explorative drive in him and that was the reason why they made it in the end of the movie.

2. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night


This is a poem by Dylan Thomas and is used quite often in the movie. I read the full poem online and its interpretation by many people and here is what I understood.

At the precipice of death, we should not just go out passively, but fight with every last ounce of energy we have in the body to live just a little bit longer. This is the literal interpretation anyways.

In the movie, I think the lines from this poem has been used to show that even at the point of a perceived defeat, one should not give up and should keep trying to come on top.

In the movie, the characters time and again come face to face with so many challenges and even death but somehow they get around it instead of accepting defeat.

3. You Will Get Betrayed


You will meet all sorts of people in life. No two people are the same and so you will get to experience all sorts of behaviour once you step into the ‘real world’.

As with anything, there are the good elements in the population and the bad ones. No matter how much you try to surround yourself with the kindest souls, more often than not, a few bad ones will get through as well.

No matter how much you want to experience only the positive emotions/feelings/aspects of being a human like love, respect, friendship, kindness, gratitude, you will also get to experience all the opposites like hatred, betrayal, jealousy among others.

In the movie the main character Cooper was betrayed by Doctor Mann although the latter thought it was for the greater good. In life too, you will face betrayal from time to time and you just have to deal with it.

4. Love Transcends All


Even though the movie is about saving the human species by finding another suitable planet to live, or by starting a new colony from scratch, the central theme, I think, is love.

Love is one of the strongest bond between two people be it parents and children or husband and wife or any other relationship, and the movie features the love between Cooper and his daughter Murph.

Towards the end of the movie, Cooper was able to send messages to Murph through time and space because of his connection with her and even Anne Hathaway's character Brand, said some things about love like "maybe it means something more…something we yet can’t understand” ... “maybe there is some higher dimension somehow involved”.

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Exploration is something as necessary as living. Without it, all the creativeness in our minds remain still and is then of no use to us. Exploring more means developing personally on the mental, physical, and the spiritual level.

I totally agree with you. Well said! :)

I love your posts, man. 3. You Will Get Betrayed.. It's bad to live the day that something like this happens. It happened to me. Keep up with the great work.

Thanks man! Yeah i hope no one has to go through that!

I really enjoyed watching the movie.Specially towards the end when you figure out that it was after all him, who had been making the attempts to contact her.

Yeah that was such a big plot twist in the movie but a pleasant one for sure!

👍 life lessons indeed

Cooper was able to send messages to Murph through time and space because of his connection with her

Those messages were sent because he was in a 4th dimensional space created by other more advanced beings where he could see the past and "change" it, and he sent the message to the watch using gravity.

This has been my favorite movie so far.

Yes but within the teserract, out of all the places and people in his life, Cooper saw only his daughter's room and interacted only with her. I think this was their way of telling the viewer about the power of love.

When did you but your first steem?

Oh you finally replied,
I was typing “buy” intstead of “but”.
Thanks for the reply..

I am not very fond of the movies but with which I have become hooked if I have taken them, as you did, the meaning and teaching for real life. Thank you for this summary and reflection. I'm new to steemit and I really like your content, hopefully you can go through my profile once and see the pictures I have of the beautiful landscapes of my country, venezuela. Blessings

Yeah I love such movies too which has powerful lessons for the viewer!

an interesting story, when you can deduce a valuable lesson in real life and share about it.

I haven't watched the movie yet but you're right. Human should never stop exploring. That's what makes life even worth it. Every new exploration is a new learning.

Yeah!! We are explorers by nature and I think we will never give up on that.