4 Kinds of People You Need To Stay Away From

in #life7 years ago

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During our lifetime, a lot of people venture into our lives. Some of them stay for a short while, some stay forever and some are more like tourists as they come and go as they please.

We do not realise this consciously but we get influenced by everyone that we come across. You never know how you can get inspired even by a stranger let alone people you interact with.

But life is not always rainbows and unicorns and the same goes for people. If people can inspire you, they can drain you too. I’m sure by the time we graduate college, we have a very good understanding of most types of people there are and how they can affect our lives.

Today I’m going to talk about 4 kinds of people that you should absolutely stay away from.

1. The Pessimists


It is only natural to want to pursue your dreams and become who or what you truly want to become in life. Sometimes, this means taking risks and walking on seldom walked roads.

During those times you would want to surround yourself with people who lift you up, constantly motivate and inspire you and help you get up if and when you fall down.

What you don’t want to do is, surround yourself with people who will only bring you down with their negativity. Pessimists always see the glass half empty and if you let them influence you in any way, you won’t get anywhere in life.

2. The Arrogants

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I have had first hand experience with a lot of arrogant people in my life and just know that they are not worth your time whatsoever. The most irritating situations arise when arrogant people don’t even realise that they are arrogant.

There is no use even talking to these people. They basically think that everything that they do or say is the correct way of doing or saying things. If you even dare to criticise them in anyway, you need to be ready to face their wrath!

Also, arrogant people tend to be very dominating. So, if you let such people in your lives, be ready to live your life on someone else’s terms which can be really suffocating and unhealthy for your mental health!

3. Two Faced People

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These are some of the most dangerous people to walk the Earth. If you are lucky enough to find out that some or any of your friends or colleagues happens to be one of these, distance yourself from them immediately.

These people say something to you and want something else entirely. They are master manipulators and will use you to their benefits until they have no further use of you and will simply discard you.

And believe it or not that is the best case scenario. The worst case scenario includes backstabbing, heart break, destruction of relationships with other people in your life and much more.

4. The Judgmental

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These people are kind of a mix between arrogant and pessimist people. They will judge everything and anything that other people do or say in a negative way, so much so that you can’t spend 5 minutes with them.

Having them around can be really exhausting, especially because every aspect of your life will be under a magnifying glass and constant scrutiny will be hurled at you all the time. This can really bring you and your self confidence down if you let it.

It is easy to distance yourself from these people however, as they have a special ability to repel other human beings. Just get repelled and never go back!


As for me, I won't say stay away from optimist but have to be weary of them because they have less sense of risk mitigation in carry things out but two-face people are definitely not someone I like.

Yes, true. But optimists are a lot less dangerous than pessimists ;)

Hi @sauravrungta, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Thank you! Much appreciated :)

Dam Straight! On Steemit as well.

yeah, I think we should avoid these everywhere. Online or offline.

Nice post. Wise perspective. Thanks!