Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 3: What happens after death?

in #life9 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!

In the last post I promised to take a look at 2 questions. Let me answer them right away and go into detail afterwards.

  1. Why are we here? – We are here to learn and collect experiences.
  2. Where do we go? – To a place we can't comprehend with our limited senses.

Both questions and their answers are connected to the question 'What happens after death?‘. They interrelate, it’s a huge complex of different things. If you understand ‘Who you are‘ (Part 2) it will be easier to follow. Imagine a couple of pieces that make up a puzzle. Each part is as important as the others. Ideally I'd like to talk about all of them at once but that would go out of control and probably no one could follow anymore. I try to describe each single piece of this puzzle with these posts. The puzzle itself can be seen as a synonym for my belief, view on things, comprehension of the world, of life… call it whatever you think is appropriate. It’s all the same.

Let’s take a closer look on the question ‘What happens after death?’ and my answers to 'Why are we here?’ and 'Where do we go?‘.

There are different views and different answers to the question ‚What happens after death?‘, ‚Is there a life after death?‘. You can find basically 3 different views which made their way through the history of mankind.

-/ 1. Something which has become very popular during the last centuries in our culture: Nothing.

There is nothing after the physical death. This view is established on an world view that says: There’s nothing else besides matter. The human body is just a ‘connection of chemistry’, organic matter, which decays right after death. And nothing else remains. This view of the world goes back to the antiquity and was omnipresent in different cultures. It is very typical for our time, the so called age of enlightment  and it is declared to be the ‘right one’. Basically due to natural scientists who mainly affect the view of the world for many people. They believe everything comes to an end after death and ‚we’ are nothing more than this body.

I can't share this view.

2. On the other hand there’s a second opinion which is also very prominent in our cultural area for centuries.

We have 2 parts here and it affects approx 2/3 of all human beings on our planet. 2/3 ! That’s a lot! If we take into account that about 15% of the population is irreligious (mostly China) the combined amount of both religions and their followers is just incredible.

a) The answer of the ‚church‘ and I’m struggling to call it ‚christianity‘ but it's easier so you know what I mean. (‚Christianity‘ is one of the most misunderstood terms in the world, that would be a different topic though). 

b) the answer of Islamic culture

Both have something in common (if you break it down, I don’t want to start a fight here :): Judgement day.

Koran, Sure 4:136:
‚O you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that He sent down upon His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah , His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone far astray.‘

Bible, Evangelium of Matthew, 25:31-46:
‚Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels…Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.‘

This view is established on the world view that ‚we are more than just the body’. The body dies but a part of it, the crucial part, survives – the soul. The individual. And this individual soul enters an intermediate zone right after death, some sort of waiting room until judgement day. And right there someone decides if you’re going to spend the rest of eternity in hell and burn in flames or if you are going to spend the rest of eternity in the heavens, next to ‚god‘. I believe many of you have heard this story and were teached it at school, I was as well.

I can’t share this view.

Both views, 1 and 2, are not really comprehensible for me let alone convincing. I don’t feel ‚mortal‘, it’s not like I’d stop to exist right after death.

The answers you get – both christian or islamic - are not convincing. In fact they are very much built on a strange black & white thinking: Either you are a good human being and you’ll enjoy the heavens for eternity or you’re a bad human being and suffer the purgatory flames of hell for eternity.

That’s basically pretty superficial, the world is much more differentiated to say that there are just 2 destinations after death.

3. If you study and research this topic you’ll inevitably stumble upon a 3rd option which is definitely not officially teached at school.

And this is an option I can present with full conviction: Transmigration of souls.

This view basically has one thing in common with option 2: We are more than just our body. There is an eternal and immortal soul. But with the great difference that this soul migrates from your former body to a new one, to collect experiences e.g. on this planet we call earth. (That’s the answer to the question ‘Why are we here?‘) This migration ultimately leads to a new question: What is all this for?

Is it an endless or infinite gathering of experiences or is there a goal at some point?
The goal of the transmigration of souls, the recurrent reincarnation, is to be not born again.

To go back in to the freedom we initially came from, to where this journey started. And to be able to get back you definitely need more than just one life. At least the most of us – most of the souls on this planet. That opens up a complete new horizon.

If you consider you make a mess of 1 life, your current one and you’d have to burn in the purgatory flames for the rest of eternity – that would be pretty unfair. A lifetime is only a few decades and suffer for the rest of eternity? God is never ever so unfair.

Death is definitely no longer an unfathomable mystery of which we have to be afraid of due to lack of knowledge. Death is a doorway and our existence continues on the other side, that’s something I realized very quickly. All of those who believe it stops, all of those who have to believe it or just are afraid to believe something else – it doesn’t stop. How it continues though  depends on your current life. There’s no paradise for all of us, there’s no hell for all of us, it’s a continuation of a path, this current life is a part of this path.
YOUR path.

Where do we go?

We can’t comprehend this ‘place‘ or 'situation’ with our limited senses. We don’t have the words to describe it. There are no words to describe it. You’ll be able and allowed to critically examine your past life though, yourself. You are and were responsible for it. You’ll judge your achievements and failures. Judge the chances you took and the ones you’ve missed.
… to be continued in the next post.

Next time I’ll talk in detail about transmigration of souls and reincarnation. Both terms are inseparable. This would go beyond the scope of this post.

Thank you again for your attention,

Have a beautiful sunday!


There's nothing after death.. well that's my take.

And you are free to believe that @kevinwong! I made a post about my take :) Make a post about your take! That's steemit. All the best.

It'll be a very empty post I'm afraid.. haha :)

haha :) don't be afraid. A few meaningful sentences are sometimes more than a whole page of empty words. Really curious to read what you're about, foremost why :)

Maybe I'll write haha :)
Personally I think if its something that we can't comprehend (since we're out of the human mind after death), it will be an entirely different paradigm, and it's pretty much equivalent to nothing if we were to relate it in our human experience. It wouldn't be a human experience. Nothing, but at the same time, something. :D

Afterlife...the brain's distraction to ease our fears of death and help us go through the shitty moments of life. Life before death is much more wonderful and 'miraculous' than any promised afterlife.

My total disagreement aside, it was an interesting read. Upvoted.

My father, the single most conservative man you could meet, technically died on the operating table, and was brought back to life, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine and the dedicated team at the hospital, who I will never forget.

He used to hold the same view as you.

Not since.


I 'm glad your father made it. I have seen dozens dying on any type of hospital bed you can imagine. Some were brought back, some were not. Even though experiences are always exciting to hear, I would never put my trust in the oxygen deprived human brain.

Thank you.

I would never put my trust in the oxygen deprived human brain.

When we are discussing deceased humans, I would, we have no other human experience to base our 'beliefs' on... :)

I think the human experience is way too often pushed to the side, because science.

Science says, give me one miracle - the big bang, from there, we can explain everything.

Well, I believe, if science gets one miracle, then so do I.

All the same, love, respect.

I don't think any scientist would describe the big bang as a miracle in the same sense that a believer would describe what he considers a miracle.

''Experience'' in the way it is used here, is just an interpretation of an event and it varies according to how each individual brain perceives it. It can be appreciated, taken into consideration but never accepted as a fact.

So, what are his views now? Did you post that article somewhere? I clicked on the #foodforthought and it was a dead end.

Hi @littlescribe, his views are that there is something on the otherside. I may do a post on it in the near future. Oh, sorry about that, I did not intend for it to link anywhere in particular, I guess no-one else has posted that tag before, I thought it may have linked through to some food-for-thought type stuff. Apologies.

you're father seems wise and I bet that was a humbling experience. I know in my heart that "God" is an eternal love incomprehensible to the hardened hearts. Jesus was here to teach and make fishers of men, the only hope to save mankind in the end. Yes.... I do beiieve there have been multitude of "Jesus" ie>>> http://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/egyptian-god-ra.html Now if you look back into our history, we have had many forms of Christ who all represented Christ. Sun God = God Son :D I do like the direction you're going with this post. @sascha Namaste~!

Love and light is the only path, however tempting it may be to stray from that path, love is always the answer and provides me a path in the darkest hours. 100%. :)

I too, had an acquaintance, who died in the hospital and was brought back from the other side.
His life prior to the experience was filled with scam and theft to support his drug addiction.
His life after his experience was a full 180 degree turn, practically a different person, giving rather than taking. When I asked him, "what happened?", he answered, " All the pain that I had caused everyone who loved me, at the moment I died, was multiplied 1000 fold back at me in such an explainable way. It was black and cold."
Very chilling.

Hi @nulliusinverba! Thanx for the upvote. Life can be wonderful indeed and is much more tangible than a promised afterlife. I think we should learn to appreciate both. All the best to you.

thanx @iggy, that's very nice of you! I upvoted it, maybe it stays on top so people see the fraud.

I have commented it , but when i got up to top i see that's not your username , i mean wtf people are doin.

Just crazy man, thank you so much for bringin' it up!

Can't wait to read more... thank you for your beautiful writing again and namaste :)

You're weclome and thank you very much @eric-boucher! That motivates me to continue :) Haribol :)

Sometimes I think that in my previous life I was a panda! ;D
Cool post @sascha!

I beg to differ with you on this matter simple because it is written: And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment ◄ Hebrews 9:27 ►
42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable;
43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44
Jesus Comforts His Disciples
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14
Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second dead.

I'm in a bad mood so I will just lay it out for you. The idea of the path is correct. We're all programmed in one way or another and that results in what happens to our "physical" bodies. Otherwise, we create our own reality and without knowing it you meet architect/archetype(s) which choose what path is best for your body/mind. Some have huge numbers and cannot intervene in all so they essentially upload knowledge into storage centers which spread their design. Now, whether or not we are being handled by entities with similar feelings and physical form is unbeknownst to myself but I deduce that they must be aware of pain, love, depression, etc..because how would they know to create such things in the first place! The key behind it all is the ability to stay neutral and cast aside any learned behaviour that drives you to reject another person's truth...because truth is in the eye of the beholder...

Oh, and by storage centers, I mean priests, gurus, what have you...

Very interesting read @vermonster. Thank you, I can see a lot of similarities to what I believe is ‘there', you just chose different words.

If you read at least the first chapter of the Bible, you will see that even in the Garden of Eden, God gave humans free will
and still the man makes his choice where he will fall - in heaven or hell
Reincarnation was coined, to absolve themselves of responsibility, as well as to monitor the person and his social status. So, this theory is very developed in India to a person who was born and lived in his caste, hoping to live in the next life is better
There are many testimonies of people who have been in heaven or in hell

While I am a big fan of Jesus Christ, I really like the reincarnation theory as it seems fair and compassionate at the same time. Although this theory is not officially Christian. I like the idea that life is a game or a school where you can "win" if you give enough love to your neighbours, which is what Jesus taught. But that if you fail to give enough love for whatever reason, there is always a second or third or fourth chance.

Hi @io-io-io. I'm a very big fan of Christ – if we are allowed to call it ‘fan‘ :) I'm a passionate Christ! I'm just not catholic, orthodox, evangelic, whatever.. you don't have to follow any religious beliefs to believe in Christ. That's something totally different to me. Totally. That's again a different topic, I was actually planing to talk about it a few weeks ago, we'll see.

I had some meditative experience that made me see (and feel, oh my) that indeed, we are more than the material existence.

However these Eastern reincarnation beliefs don't quite cut it. It's just some kind of worldly interpretation as well. Things are more complex still.

There is a source energy we all come from. Though we are still part of it, it's like a prism, mandala, kaleidoscope. Then there are different planes of existence. Hard to describe.

We have to understand eternity, though we don't. But we are loved.

Hello @herzmeister! Thanx a lot, that sounds great! I believe past life experiences can be very helpful for your present life, it was for me. To understand who I am and why I am like I am. It's a very interesting field (and a part of the puzzle as well). We don't understand eternity but we're loved. Beautiful. I second that.