Look What I Found!!! ~Of Bitcoin and the Outdoors~
What will change Bitcoin from this cool speculative techie thing that people want to get in on because FORBES and CNN have been talking about it to something truly game changing in the minds of every day crypto newbies and the world is small businesses.
You know when you are lazily searching the internet late at night and you find something that will definitely change the paradigm of your life and mean a complete 180 degree shift of everything you've ever known if you buy it???

It's a rooftop tent that will even fit on a Subaru, or any hatchback with roof racks!
Being a roof racked hatchback owner (that's super fun to say out loud, if you want to freak your roommates and/or husband out right now), I. NEED. IT.
I was scrolling facebook last night, and a local company based a few miles from my house posted an ad on one of the neighborhood buy/sell/trade pages (definitely join ones around you, they're great and a less sketchy version of craigslist). Usually those posts are a lame attempt for someone roped into some Multi level Marketing scheme to try to prove to their know-it-all friends that they're not getting scammed (which they are), however this product by this company is an absolute game changer for outdoorsy people like me.

Can you imagine?? I have drooled over these things for years when I see them on things like Nat Geo's morning safari live feeds on facebook (definitely follow them if you don't already), and natural documentaries back in the day. But I always saw them on top of some bad-ass Land Rover or safari Jeep. Now, however, they are being made right down the road from me in the outdoor capital of Boulder, Colorado. So now I can put one on MY car. My outdoors game has just increased tenfold.
The company is called Roofnest (www.roofnest.com), and hats off to them, really, for making me drool all over my pillow last night and eagerly tell my boyfriend that I found God and his face looks like this:

Now, to convince them that they need to accept bitcoin! I really think that the true bitcoin revolution requires the adoption of crypto by small businesses. The price jump of the last six months has been wonderful sips champagne, but not the revolution we need. Sure US defense companies such as Lockheed have just started to adopt blockchain technology internally, sure Japan is starting to accept Bitcoin as legal tender, but those are only the first steps. What will change bitcoin from this cool speculative techie thing that people want to get in on because FORBES and CNN have been talking about it to something truly game changing in the minds of every day crypto newbies and the world is small businesses.

Thanks, Roofnest. I will be sleeping with you soon.
...(not like that).
...(wait would that get me a free one??)
...(no......no, nevermind).